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Re: [lwip-users] LWIP 1.4.1 uploading problem

From: Sergio R. Caprile
Subject: Re: [lwip-users] LWIP 1.4.1 uploading problem
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2016 11:40:51 -0300
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@Simon: oops, didn't take my pills and Z80assembly-induced dyslexia jumped in... ;^) I meant "server", my mistake. @Noam: My server does have POST, multipart (beginning) and login (plain). We could join forces and have a good server in github or wherever, I have lots of ideas but my development time has shifted to more mundane and somehow paid projects. At the time I asked, no one seemed to show interest. I forked from the "official" server to avoid supporting the old CGI and SSI structure, which I didn't (don't) like (at all)(matter of personal taste), and my brain can't keep such a level of complexity. My CGI scheme is loosely based on the idea behind the Rabbit (Z-World), which I've been using for a long time. @Szabolcs: you can (almost) always capture only client and server traffic, and post reduced pieces of code where we can see how you are using the stack.
Example for a TCP receive callback:
static err_t myrecv(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb* pcb, struct pbuf *p, err_t err)
        if ((p == NULL) || (err != ERR_OK)){
                return ERR_OK;
        read p data
        do something with that
        tcp_recved(pcb, p->tot_len); <--- handle TCP window
        pbuf_free(p);                   <--- free receive buffer
        return ERR_OK;

However, it's your call.
I can't help with the server post cgi callbacks, I changed that scheme in my server and didn't get to use the "official" one. However, somebody, somewhere, has to do what Simon said and I marked on the pseudocode for you; look for it.

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