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[lwip-users] Fwd: Problems with MiniOS and lwIP (daytime server)

From: Pîrvu Mihai
Subject: [lwip-users] Fwd: Problems with MiniOS and lwIP (daytime server)
Date: Sun, 19 Jul 2015 06:49:52 +0300

Hello, I want to start by saying that I'm really new with the platform (like 3 days of research), but i stumbled upon a problem i can't fix. I hope this won't be considered spam :)

Anyway, my problem is pretty simple probably. I'm trying to access the daytime server, which is ran default when compiling with lwIP 

I looked inside the source of daytime.c, provitded by Mini OS, and I saw that the setting up of an IP address is disabled with an "if(0) { ... }" construct, so I changed that and set my ip to:  (so it is in the same network as Dom0) like this:


    if (1) {
        struct ip_addr ipaddr = { htonl(0x0a00020A) }; //
        struct ip_addr netmask = { htonl(0xffffff00) }; //
        struct ip_addr gw = { 0 };
        networking_set_addr(&ipaddr, &netmask, &gw);

The compiling is fine (though I also have something to say about this, but in the footer of the mail).

I start the VM, with xl create domain_config, which looks like this:
kernel = "mini-os.gz"
memory = 32
name = "Mini-OS"

I go into the console, and it all seems fine:

mac is 00:16:3e:70:4a:02
[server] IP 0 netmask 0 gateway 0.
[server] TCP/IP bringup begins.
Thread "tcpip_thread": pointer: 0x00000000000ca738, stack: 0x0000000000220000
[tcpip_thread] TCP/IP bringup ends.
[server] Network is ready.
[server] Opening connection
[server] Connection at 0000000000042820

This is where I'm lost a little. I try to ping and it works!

address@hidden:/home/mihai/xen/extras/mini-os# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.546 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=0.189 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=0.142 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=0.247 ms

But when I try to connect to nothing happens.
My netcat just hangs, but it hangs on all ports, not just 13. I have to ctrl+c it so it dies, so it's not like the connection is rejected. But, on the console, nothing is printed. I even put a little print code after the 

session = netconn_accept(listener); 

part, so it shows me when that function has returned a "session", thus the connection is understood, but it never gets there, the function just blocks and never returns.

Here's the entire code, if you think I've done something wrong: http://pastebin.com/riuh5n0w

I tried to look with nmap, and all ports are closed.

Sorry if the question is 'stupid', I'm new to both projects (mini os and lwip) and I'm just trying to learn. 


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