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Re: [lwip-users] LPC1768/9 LAN8720 FreeRTOS 7.4 LWIP 1.4.1

From: Pomeroy, Marty
Subject: Re: [lwip-users] LPC1768/9 LAN8720 FreeRTOS 7.4 LWIP 1.4.1
Date: Thu, 23 May 2013 11:20:20 -0400

If I'm seeing this right, you are polling for link status, and want to
figure out which is the better way to poll.

First, all tcpip thread stuff MUST be done on the tcpip thread, so DO
NOT call it from the timer interrupt.  Option 2 is eventually going to
cause errors.

But better still, most phy chips will generate an interrupt when a cable
is inserted or pulled.  In that interrupt, send a message to update
status.  My interrupt is basically:
   tcpip_callback_with_block( s_HandlePhyInterrupt, NULL, 0);
This passes a static function to be called from the tcpip thread.

That's my preference - use the interrupt, let the phy chip notify your
code when there is a change, have the interrupt pass a task-time
interrupt handler to the tcpip thread.


-----Original Message-----
From: address@hidden
[mailto:address@hidden On
Behalf Of furiantes
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 9:56 AM
To: address@hidden
Subject: [lwip-users] LPC1768/9 LAN8720 FreeRTOS 7.4 LWIP 1.4.1


first sorry for my english.

I have a bit of problem don't to do this properly, what is a correct way
(both ways are working). I want to make a lwip cable ON/OFF bulletproof.

First my HW config is:

- LPC1768 (i do with LPC1769 too)
- LAN8720

- FreeRTOS 7.4
- LWIP 1.4.1
     - DHCP
     - TCP

I execute a TCP connection to some adress like www.example.com/file.txt 
-> download that file (this is working at is looking)

My code for init part is like:

     static struct s_network_config net;
     net.use_dhcp = 1; // set to 1 to enable DHCP. Or set to 0 and fill
the struct manually
     tcpip_init(network_init, &net);
     xTaskCreate(hc_task, ( signed portCHAR * ) "send hc",1536u, NULL,

So main lwip thread is in seperate thread, my connection is started in
hc_task so it's seperated thread.

I have a 2second timer too. From which i am checking my PHY and i am
want to do a procedure now to handle cable disconetion/connection.

I am guessing the right way:

1. send a "special" message box to main lwip thread  so add a case and
call a netif_set_link_down(pxNetIfInUse);,
netif_set_link_up(pxNetIfInUse); 2. or in timer interrupt call

I want to restart DHCP and KILL TCP connection to start it again.

So what is "more" right:

- call in interrupt
- or send a message box to mainlwip thread

(code is simplified, for cable off i actual call function only once no
matter this is actually a timer interrupt called in 2 sec intervalls)
if(cableState == 0)
             //link off
             iface_up = 0;
             netif_set_link_down(pxNetIfInUse); //method 2

             /*method 1
             msg.type= 165;
             msg.msg.inp.netif = pxNetIfInUse;
             res = sys_mbox_trypost(toOutput, &msg);*/

             //link on
             netif_set_link_up(pxNetIfInUse); //method 2

             /*Method 1
             msg.type= 165;
             msg.msg.inp.netif = pxNetIfInUse;
             res = sys_mbox_trypost(toOutput, &msg);

static void hc_task(void *parameters)
     struct hc_message mes;
     mes.client_port_number = 4839;
     mes.host_addres = "\0";
     mes.host_add[0] = 192;
     mes.host_add[1] = 168;
     mes.host_add[2] = 1;
     mes.host_add[3] = 183;
     mes.host_file = "test/data.php\0";
     mes.host_port_number = 80;
     mes.target = "\0";;
     transferEnd = 0;
     numberOfPacketsProc = 0;
     totalRecievedSize = 0;
     hc_send(&mes, 0);

The hc_send thread:
uint_fast8_t hc_send(const struct hc_message *mes, int8_t addParam) {


     if(bufferTmp == NULL)
         bufferTmp = (char *) pvPortMalloc((PBUF_POOL_BUFSIZE +

     if(bigDataBuffer == NULL)
         bigDataBuffer = (char

     bufferCounterWriter = 0;
     numberOfPacketsProc = 0;
     totalRecievedSize = 0;
     recieveTimer = 0;
     stateFlag = 0;
     transferEnd = 0;

     struct ip_addr remote_ipaddr;
     err_t ret_code = ERR_OK;

     pcbHolder = tcp_new();
     if(NULL == pcbHolder)
         printf("tcp_new(): echec PCBHOLDER IS NULLLL.\n\r");
         return -1;

     tcp_err(pcbHolder, err_hc_tcp);

     //for reconnect detection
     if(addParam == 1)
         //pcbHolder = tcp_new();
         if(NULL == pcbHolder)
             printf("tcp_new(): echec. PCB HOLDER RETURN\n\r");
             return -1;

     //int portRead = mes->client_port_number;
     IP4_ADDR(&remote_ipaddr, mes->host_add[0], mes->host_add[1], 
mes->host_add[2], mes->host_add[3]);

      ret_code = tcp_connect(pcbHolder, &remote_ipaddr, 
mes->host_port_number, client_connected_my);
      if(ERR_OK != ret_code)
              printf("tcp_connect(): error RETURN -1\n\r");
              return -1;

      sprintf(request_my_c, "GET /%s HTTP/1.1\r\nAccept: 
*/*\r\nAccept-Language: sl\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 
5.01; Windows NT 5.0)\r\nHost: %s:%d\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n", 
mes->host_file, mes->host_addres, mes->host_port_number);
      printf("%s", request_my_c);//

      nsend_my_c = 0;
      totalsend_my_c = 0;

     return 0;

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