Hi Oscar,
there is not buffer for outgoing pckets in LwIP, I
think. LwIP "send" function only store
packet data to MACB DMA buffer "pcTxBuffer" (file "macb.c", function
"lMACBSend") - if there is free descriptor "xTxDescriptors[]", in other
case function waiting for release - and then return. Transmitting process
to ethernet line is asynchronous and is controlled by MACB unit & DMA
in AVR32 and depend on type of connected ethernet devices (hub / switch, half
duplex / full duplex, ...)
Best Regards
Martin Persich
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 1:47
Subject: [lwip-users] Function send
Hello everybody!!
I´m using EVK1100 with FreeRTOS and
lwip, and i would like to know this question.
When i called the
send function, is the packet sent to the ethernet line or this is queued and
the return say me only that situation?
It´s importan for me to measure
the time to proccess the send functions.
Thank you in
-- "En la vida hay tres cosas
que nunca dan marcha atras, la palabra pronunciada, la flecha lanzada y la
oportunidad perdida"