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[lwip-users] How do I get incoming packets using netconn API?

From: Joe Dupre
Subject: [lwip-users] How do I get incoming packets using netconn API?
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 20:25:08 -0500

I've created a netconn with a callback, but it appears nothing in the 
tcpip_thread does anything to check the interface for them.  The tcpip_thread 
only waits for a TCPIP_MSG_INPKT message.  I see that I can use tcpip_input() 
to pass an incomming pbuf to the tcpip_thread.  But how am I supposed to create 
a task that checks for incomming packets and creates a pbuf without using the 
raw API?

If I create a task that calls ethernetif_input(), that calls many of the pbuf 
handling functions.  Is it thread-safe to call the pbuf functions???

- Joe

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