This question seems related to your board and port (Xilinx, I guess?). You *might* get more answers posting it in a forum related to your hardware, if there is any. However, you might also be lucky and someone here is using the same hardware... Not me, unfortunately.
Oscar F wrote:
Hi, i want to connect four EVK1100 using a switch.
In all of them i´m using lwip, and i must to configure the file conf_eth.h.
The code of this file is this:
#ifndef _CONF_ETH_H_ #define _CONF_ETH_H_
/*! Phy Address (set through strap options) */ #define ETHERNET_CONF_PHY_ADDR 0x01 #define ETHERNET_CONF_PHY_ID 0x20005C90
/*! Number of receive buffers. Max ethernet frame size is 1526. A Rx buffer is 128 Bytes long. So 12 Rx buffers are necessary to store one max sized frame. Multiply that by 2 for performance. */ #define ETHERNET_CONF_NB_RX_BUFFERS 24
/*! USE_RMII_INTERFACE must be defined as 1 to use an RMII interface, or 0 to use an MII interface. */ #define ETHERNET_CONF_USE_RMII_INTERFACE 1
/*! Number of Transmit buffers */ #define ETHERNET_CONF_NB_TX_BUFFERS 10
/*! Size of each Transmit buffer. */ #define ETHERNET_CONF_TX_BUFFER_SIZE 512
/*! Clock definition */ #define ETHERNET_CONF_SYSTEM_CLOCK 48000000
/*! Use Auto Negociation to get speed and duplex */ #define ETHERNET_CONF_AN_ENABLE 1
/*! Do not use auto cross capability. Unused because not supported by the DP83848 phy on the EVK1100. */ #define ETHERNET_CONF_AUTO_CROSS_ENABLE 0 /*! use direct cable */ #define ETHERNET_CONF_CROSSED_LINK 0
/* ethernet default parameters */ /*! MAC address definition. The MAC address must be unique on the network. */ #define ETHERNET_CONF_ETHADDR0 0x00 #define ETHERNET_CONF_ETHADDR1 0x04 #define ETHERNET_CONF_ETHADDR2 0x25 #define ETHERNET_CONF_ETHADDR3 0x40 #define ETHERNET_CONF_ETHADDR4 0x40 #define ETHERNET_CONF_ETHADDR5 0x41
/*! The IP address being used. */ #define ETHERNET_CONF_IPADDR0 192 #define ETHERNET_CONF_IPADDR1 168 #define ETHERNET_CONF_IPADDR2 1 #define ETHERNET_CONF_IPADDR3 7
/*! The gateway address being used. */ #define ETHERNET_CONF_GATEWAY_ADDR0 192 #define ETHERNET_CONF_GATEWAY_ADDR1 168 #define ETHERNET_CONF_GATEWAY_ADDR2 1 #define ETHERNET_CONF_GATEWAY_ADDR3 1
/*! The network mask being used. */ #define ETHERNET_CONF_NET_MASK0 255 #define ETHERNET_CONF_NET_MASK1 255 #define ETHERNET_CONF_NET_MASK2 255 #define ETHERNET_CONF_NET_MASK3 0
what parameters should i change? of course IP, and MAC? How do i define the address MAC? shoul i change the paramter ETHERNET_CONF_PHY_ADDR and ETHERNET_CONF_PHY_ID ? What value?
Thanks in advance! Oscar
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