On Sun, 2009-10-04 at 09:39 +0200, Oscar F wrote:
> Hello Again. i don´t know what happend, but i have tested all solution
> and don´t work always is blocked in recv.
> I follow the call stack, because the debug mode doesn´t work at the
> moment, and this the result
> 4 sys_sem_signal() C:\Proyectos DAS\ProyectosAVRStudio32\Proyectos
> demos AVR32\Simulador_RTU\src\NETWORK\lwip-port\AT32UC3A
> \sys_arch.c:138 0x80016eca
> 3 do_recv() C:\Proyectos DAS\ProyectosAVRStudio32\Proyectos demos
> AVR32\Simulador_RTU\src\SOFTWARE_FRAMEWORK\SERVICES\lwip-1.3.0\src\api
> \api_msg.c:923 0x80011156
> 2 tcpip_thread() C:\Proyectos DAS\ProyectosAVRStudio32\Proyectos demos
> AVR32\Simulador_RTU\src\SOFTWARE_FRAMEWORK\SERVICES\lwip-1.3.0\src\api
> \tcpip.c:271 0x8000ed84
> 1 <symbol is not available> 0xdeadbeef
The call to sys_sem_signal() seems to be where it is blocking, but that
function shouldn't block. Perhaps this is down to the implementation of
the sys layer in your port, rather than lwIP itself.