On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 10:28 AM, Kieran Mansley
<address@hidden> wrote:
On Fri, 2009-09-18 at 10:15 +0200, Oscar F wrote:
> the result is -1. The question is that only create one socket to list
> but no more. I don´t know, maybe is this micro AVR32 EVK1100, maybe i
> can´t create 8 socket in the same thread to listen. I would want to
> use select.
What is MEMP_NUM_NETCONN set to?
Is errno set after you call lwip_listen()?
If you take a look at the source for the lwip_listen() function you
should be able to see in what circumstances it returns -1, and so work
out which of these is the problem in your case.