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Re: [lwip-users] httpd slow response

From: address@hidden
Subject: Re: [lwip-users] httpd slow response
Date: Sat, 25 Apr 2009 11:11:29 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20090302)

Bill Auerbach wrote:
I see - tcp_output isn't a "send now" - I thought it meant that (if not, why
do a tcp_write *and* a tcp_output?).  So with tcp_output, Nagle delays are
not circumvented.  The contrib example doesn't do tcp_output - so is it
optional?  Why?

I guess this is not really a good example, then: tcp_output is called from tcp_in.c after calling the receive callback, so in this case, there is no difference. But in general, tcp_enqueue really only enqueues and does *not* output, so if you don't call it, data might never get sent.

tcp_outupt *was* a "send now - everything you have, even if it is a very small packet" and was called by the sequential APIs only if there was enough data was enqueued (that was the nagle algorithm - only for netconn/socket API). However, this lead to bad throughput with the raw API since it did not implement the nagle algorithm.

With 1.3.0, nagle was moved to tcp_output so that raw API users also can use it - and it defaults to *on* (must be explicitly disabled if you don't want it - like on all other platforms).

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