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[lwip-users] HELP with LWIPOPTS.H - how set these options and what does

From: Piero 74
Subject: [lwip-users] HELP with LWIPOPTS.H - how set these options and what does are they mean?
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 15:02:21 +0100

Hi all.

Below this message, i copied my lwipopts.h, so i hope i can explain better to all my problems.

I need help for some setting and understanding.

I use  tcp (with listener) and udp sockets.

In particular, my questions are:

1. MEMP_NUM_PBUF: comments are: used for PBUF_ROM and PBUF_REF. So, if i use, for both udp and tcp, only packet build in my buffer in ram, i can set this value low. IS IT RIGHT? 
                                          sockets calls do copy of data, so, pbuf_rom and pbuf_ref are never used?
2. MEMP_NUM_NETBUF: i set this value equal to sum of tcp connections and udp connections. IS IT RIGHT?
3. MEMP_NUM_NETCONN:  i set this value equal to sum of tcp connections and udp connections and tcp listeners. IS IT RIGHT?
4. MEMP_NUM_TCPIP_MSG_API and MEMP_NUM_TCPIP_MSG_INPKT: what does are they mean? how set these values? how they depends on tcp connections and udp connections?
5. PBUF_POOL_SIZE: i tryed to set this value low, but i saw problem with pbuf_alloc in my emac driver. What's the best or the minimal value for this option?
6. xxx_RECVMBOX_SIZE: my sys_arch implementation creates mbox using param passed... so i set these values equal to 8. I understood that a mbox is created for EACH connection. IS IT RIGHT? can i choose a low value if i will have packets
                                               send to my board with low rate?
7. DEFAULT_ACCEPTMBOX_SIZE: I understood that a mbox is created for EACH listener. So, if i want to accept only 2 connections for each listener, can i set this value equal than 2?

please, I need your feedback as soon as possible!!!

Thanks to all,

                                                        MY     lwipopts.h

#ifndef _LWIPOPTS_H_
#define _LWIPOPTS_H_

   ---------- Platform specific locking ----------

 * SYS_LIGHTWEIGHT_PROT==1: if you want inter-task protection for certain
 * critical regions during buffer allocation, deallocation and memory
 * allocation and deallocation.
#define SYS_LIGHTWEIGHT_PROT            1

 * NO_SYS==1: Provides VERY minimal functionality. Otherwise,
 * use lwIP facilities.
#define NO_SYS                          0

   ---------- Memory options ----------

 * MEM_ALIGNMENT: should be set to the alignment of the CPU
 *    4 byte alignment -> #define MEM_ALIGNMENT 4
 *    2 byte alignment -> #define MEM_ALIGNMENT 2
#define MEM_ALIGNMENT                   4

 * MEM_SIZE: the size of the heap memory. If the application will send
 * a lot of data that needs to be copied, this should be set high.
#define MEM_SIZE                        2000

 * MEMP_OVERFLOW_CHECK: memp overflow protection reserves a configurable
 * amount of bytes before and after each memp element in every pool and fills
 * it with a prominent default value.
 *    MEMP_OVERFLOW_CHECK == 0 no checking
 *    MEMP_OVERFLOW_CHECK == 1 checks each element when it is freed
 *    MEMP_OVERFLOW_CHECK >= 2 checks each element in every pool every time
 *      memp_malloc() or memp_free() is called (useful but slow!)
#define MEMP_OVERFLOW_CHECK             0

 * MEMP_SANITY_CHECK==1: run a sanity check after each memp_free() to make
 * sure that there are no cycles in the linked lists.
#define MEMP_SANITY_CHECK               0

 * MEM_USE_POOLS==1: Use an alternative to malloc() by allocating from a set
 * of memory pools of various sizes. When mem_malloc is called, an element of
 * the smallest pool that can provide the lenght needed is returned.
#define MEM_USE_POOLS                   0

 * MEMP_USE_CUSTOM_POOLS==1: whether to include a user file lwippools.h
 * that defines additional pools beyond the "standard" ones required
 * by lwIP. If you set this to 1, you must have lwippools.h in your
 * inlude path somewhere.
#define MEMP_USE_CUSTOM_POOLS           0

   ---------- Internal Memory Pool Sizes ----------
 * MEMP_NUM_PBUF: the number of memp struct pbufs (used for PBUF_ROM and PBUF_REF).
 * If the application sends a lot of data out of ROM (or other static memory),
 * this should be set high.
#define MEMP_NUM_PBUF                   5
// piero??

 * MEMP_NUM_UDP_PCB: the number of UDP protocol control blocks. One
 * per active UDP "connection".
 * (requires the LWIP_UDP option)
#define MEMP_NUM_UDP_PCB                2

 * MEMP_NUM_TCP_PCB: the number of simulatenously active TCP connections.
 * (requires the LWIP_TCP option)
#define MEMP_NUM_TCP_PCB                3

 * MEMP_NUM_TCP_PCB_LISTEN: the number of listening TCP connections.
 * (requires the LWIP_TCP option)
#define MEMP_NUM_TCP_PCB_LISTEN         3

 * MEMP_NUM_TCP_SEG: the number of simultaneously queued TCP segments.
 * (requires the LWIP_TCP option)
#define MEMP_NUM_TCP_SEG                16

 * MEMP_NUM_ARP_QUEUE: the number of simulateously queued outgoing
 * packets (pbufs) that are waiting for an ARP request (to resolve
 * their destination address) to finish.
 * (requires the ARP_QUEUEING option)
#define MEMP_NUM_ARP_QUEUE              6

 * MEMP_NUM_SYS_TIMEOUT: the number of simulateously active timeouts.
 * (requires NO_SYS==0)
#define MEMP_NUM_SYS_TIMEOUT            6

 * MEMP_NUM_NETBUF: the number of struct netbufs.
 * (only needed if you use the sequential API, like api_lib.c)
#define MEMP_NUM_NETBUF                 4
// piero: tcp+udp ?

 * MEMP_NUM_NETCONN: the number of struct netconns.
 * (only needed if you use the sequential API, like api_lib.c)
#define MEMP_NUM_NETCONN                8
// piero: listen+tcp+udp?

 * MEMP_NUM_TCPIP_MSG_API: the number of struct tcpip_msg, which are used
 * for callback/timeout API communication.
 * (only needed if you use tcpip.c)
#define MEMP_NUM_TCPIP_MSG_API          8
// piero?

 * MEMP_NUM_TCPIP_MSG_INPKT: the number of struct tcpip_msg, which are used
 * for incoming packets.
 * (only needed if you use tcpip.c)
#define MEMP_NUM_TCPIP_MSG_INPKT        8
// piero?

 * PBUF_POOL_SIZE: the number of buffers in the pbuf pool.
#define PBUF_POOL_SIZE                  4
// piero

   ---------- ARP options ----------
 * LWIP_ARP==1: Enable ARP functionality.
#define LWIP_ARP                        1

 * ARP_TABLE_SIZE: Number of active MAC-IP address pairs cached.
#define ARP_TABLE_SIZE                  5

 * ARP_QUEUEING==1: Outgoing packets are queued during hardware address
 * resolution.
#define ARP_QUEUEING                    1

 * ETHARP_TRUST_IP_MAC==1: Incoming IP packets cause the ARP table to be
 * updated with the source MAC and IP addresses supplied in the packet.
 * You may want to disable this if you do not trust LAN peers to have the
 * correct addresses, or as a limited approach to attempt to handle
 * spoofing. If disabled, lwIP will need to make a new ARP request if
 * the peer is not already in the ARP table, adding a little latency.
#define ETHARP_TRUST_IP_MAC             1

   ---------- IP options ----------
 * IP_FORWARD==1: Enables the ability to forward IP packets across network
 * interfaces. If you are going to run lwIP on a device with only one network
 * interface, define this to 0.
#define IP_FORWARD                      0

 * IP_OPTIONS_ALLOWED: Defines the behavior for IP options.
 *      IP_OPTIONS_ALLOWED==0: All packets with IP options are dropped.
 *      IP_OPTIONS_ALLOWED==1: IP options are allowed (but not parsed).
#define IP_OPTIONS_ALLOWED              1

   ---------- ICMP options ----------

   ---------- RAW options ----------
 * LWIP_RAW==1: Enable application layer to hook into the IP layer itself.
#define LWIP_RAW                        0

   ---------- DHCP options ----------
 * LWIP_DHCP==1: Enable DHCP module.
#define LWIP_DHCP                       1

   ---------- AUTOIP options ----------
 * LWIP_AUTOIP==1: Enable AUTOIP module.
#define LWIP_AUTOIP                     0

 * LWIP_DHCP_AUTOIP_COOP==1: Allow DHCP and AUTOIP to be both enabled on
 * the same interface at the same time.
#define LWIP_DHCP_AUTOIP_COOP           0

   ---------- SNMP options ----------

   ---------- IGMP options ----------

   ---------- DNS options -----------
 * LWIP_DNS==1: Turn on DNS module. UDP must be available for DNS
 * transport.
#define LWIP_DNS                        0

/** DNS maximum number of entries to maintain locally. */
#define DNS_TABLE_SIZE                  4

/** DNS maximum host name length supported in the name table. */
#define DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH             256

/** The maximum of DNS servers */
#define DNS_MAX_SERVERS                 2

/** DNS do a name checking between the query and the response. */
#define DNS_DOES_NAME_CHECK             1

/** DNS use a local buffer if DNS_USES_STATIC_BUF=0, a static one if
    DNS_USES_STATIC_BUF=1, or a dynamic one if DNS_USES_STATIC_BUF=2.
    The buffer will be of size DNS_MSG_SIZE */
#define DNS_USES_STATIC_BUF             1

/** DNS message max. size. Default value is RFC compliant. */
#define DNS_MSG_SIZE                    512

   ---------- UDP options ----------
 * LWIP_UDP==1: Turn on UDP.
#define LWIP_UDP                        1

 * LWIP_UDPLITE==1: Turn on UDP-Lite. (Requires LWIP_UDP)
#define LWIP_UDPLITE                    0

   ---------- TCP options ----------
 * LWIP_TCP==1: Turn on TCP.
#define LWIP_TCP                        1


 * TCP_LISTEN_BACKLOG: Enable the backlog option for tcp listen pcb.
#define TCP_LISTEN_BACKLOG              1

 * The maximum allowed backlog for TCP listen netconns.
 * This backlog is used unless another is explicitly specified.
 * 0xff is the maximum (u8_t).

   ---------- Pbuf options ----------

   ---------- Network Interfaces options ----------
 * LWIP_NETIF_HOSTNAME==1: use DHCP_OPTION_HOSTNAME with netif's hostname
 * field.
#define LWIP_NETIF_HOSTNAME             0
// piero

 * LWIP_NETIF_API==1: Support netif api (in netifapi.c)
#define LWIP_NETIF_API                  0

 * LWIP_NETIF_STATUS_CALLBACK==1: Support a callback function whenever an interface
 * changes its up/down status (i.e., due to DHCP IP acquistion)

 * LWIP_NETIF_LINK_CALLBACK==1: Support a callback function from an interface
 * whenever the link changes (i.e., link down)

 * LWIP_NETIF_HWADDRHINT==1: Cache link-layer-address hints (e.g. table
 * indices) in struct netif. TCP and UDP can make use of this to prevent
 * scanning the ARP table for every sent packet. While this is faster for big
 * ARP tables or many concurrent connections, it might be counterproductive
 * if you have a tiny ARP table or if there never are concurrent connections.
#define LWIP_NETIF_HWADDRHINT           0

   ---------- LOOPIF options ----------
 * LWIP_HAVE_LOOPIF==1: Support loop interface ( and loopif.c
#define LWIP_HAVE_LOOPIF                0

 * LWIP_LOOPIF_MULTITHREADING: Indicates whether threading is enabled in
 * the system, as LOOPIF must change how it behaves depending on this setting.
 * Setting this is needed to avoid reentering non-reentrant functions like
 * tcp_input().
 *    LWIP_LOOPIF_MULTITHREADING==1: Indicates that the user is using a
 *       multithreaded environment like tcpip.c. In this case, netif->input()
 *       is called directly.
 *    LWIP_LOOPIF_MULTITHREADING==0: Indicates a polling (or NO_SYS) setup.
 *       The packets are put on a list and loopif_poll() must be called in
 *       the main application loop.

   ---------- Thread options ----------
 * TCPIP_THREAD_NAME: The name assigned to the main tcpip thread.
#define TCPIP_THREAD_NAME              "tcpip_thread"

 * TCPIP_THREAD_STACKSIZE: The stack size used by the main tcpip thread.
 * The stack size value itself is platform-dependent, but is passed to
 * sys_thread_new() when the thread is created.
#define TCPIP_THREAD_STACKSIZE          300
// piero  ?

 * TCPIP_THREAD_PRIO: The priority assigned to the main tcpip thread.
 * The priority value itself is platform-dependent, but is passed to
 * sys_thread_new() when the thread is created.
#define TCPIP_THREAD_PRIO               1
// piero ?

 * TCPIP_MBOX_SIZE: The mailbox size for the tcpip thread messages
 * The queue size value itself is platform-dependent, but is passed to
 * sys_mbox_new() when tcpip_init is called.
#define TCPIP_MBOX_SIZE                 8
// piero?

 * DEFAULT_UDP_RECVMBOX_SIZE: The mailbox size for the incoming packets on a
 * NETCONN_UDP. The queue size value itself is platform-dependent, but is passed
 * to sys_mbox_new() when the recvmbox is created.
// piero?

 * DEFAULT_TCP_RECVMBOX_SIZE: The mailbox size for the incoming packets on a
 * NETCONN_TCP. The queue size value itself is platform-dependent, but is passed
 * to sys_mbox_new() when the recvmbox is created.
// piero?

 * DEFAULT_ACCEPTMBOX_SIZE: The mailbox size for the incoming connections.
 * The queue size value itself is platform-dependent, but is passed to
 * sys_mbox_new() when the acceptmbox is created.
// piero

   ---------- Sequential layer options ----------

 * LWIP_NETCONN==1: Enable Netconn API (require to use api_lib.c)
#define LWIP_NETCONN                    1

   ---------- Socket options ----------
 * LWIP_SOCKET==1: Enable Socket API (require to use sockets.c)
#define LWIP_SOCKET                     1

 * LWIP_COMPAT_SOCKETS==1: Enable BSD-style sockets functions names.
 * (only used if you use sockets.c)
#define LWIP_COMPAT_SOCKETS             1

 * LWIP_COMPAT_SOCKETS==1: Enable POSIX-style sockets functions names. Disable
 * this option if you use a POSIX operating system that uses the same names
 * (read, write & close). (only used if you use sockets.c)

 * options processing. Note that TCP_KEEPIDLE and TCP_KEEPINTVL have to be set
 * in seconds. (does not require sockets.c, and will affect tcp.c)
#define LWIP_TCP_KEEPALIVE              0

 * LWIP_SO_RCVTIMEO==1: Enable SO_RCVTIMEO processing.
#define LWIP_SO_RCVTIMEO                0

 * LWIP_SO_RCVBUF==1: Enable SO_RCVBUF processing.
#define LWIP_SO_RCVBUF                  0

   ---------- Statistics options ----------
 * LWIP_STATS==1: Enable statistics collection in lwip_stats.
#define LWIP_STATS                      0


 * LWIP_STATS_DISPLAY==1: Compile in the statistics output functions.
#define LWIP_STATS_DISPLAY              0

 * LINK_STATS==1: Enable link stats.
#define LINK_STATS                      1

 * ETHARP_STATS==1: Enable etharp stats.
#define ETHARP_STATS                    (LWIP_ARP)

 * IP_STATS==1: Enable IP stats.
#define IP_STATS                        1

 * IPFRAG_STATS==1: Enable IP fragmentation stats. Default is
 * on if using either frag or reass.
#define IPFRAG_STATS                    (IP_REASSEMBLY || IP_FRAG)

 * ICMP_STATS==1: Enable ICMP stats.
#define ICMP_STATS                      1

 * IGMP_STATS==1: Enable IGMP stats.
#define IGMP_STATS                      (LWIP_IGMP)

 * UDP_STATS==1: Enable UDP stats. Default is on if
 * UDP enabled, otherwise off.
#define UDP_STATS                       (LWIP_UDP)

 * TCP_STATS==1: Enable TCP stats. Default is on if TCP
 * enabled, otherwise off.
#define TCP_STATS                       (LWIP_TCP)

 * MEM_STATS==1: Enable mem.c stats.
#define MEM_STATS                       1

 * MEMP_STATS==1: Enable memp.c pool stats.
#define MEMP_STATS                      1

 * SYS_STATS==1: Enable system stats (sem and mbox counts, etc).
#define SYS_STATS                       1


#define LINK_STATS                      0
#define IP_STATS                        0
#define IPFRAG_STATS                    0
#define ICMP_STATS                      0
#define IGMP_STATS                      0
#define UDP_STATS                       0
#define TCP_STATS                       0
#define MEM_STATS                       0
#define MEMP_STATS                      0
#define SYS_STATS                       0
#define LWIP_STATS_DISPLAY              0

#endif /* LWIP_STATS */

   ---------- Checksum options ----------

   ---------- Debugging options ----------
 * LWIP_DBG_MIN_LEVEL: After masking, the value of the debug is
 * compared against this value. If it is smaller, then debugging
 * messages are written.

 * LWIP_DBG_TYPES_ON: A mask that can be used to globally enable/disable
 * debug messages of certain types.
#define LWIP_DBG_TYPES_ON               LWIP_DBG_ON

 * ETHARP_DEBUG: Enable debugging in etharp.c.
#define ETHARP_DEBUG                    LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * NETIF_DEBUG: Enable debugging in netif.c.
#define NETIF_DEBUG                     LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * PBUF_DEBUG: Enable debugging in pbuf.c.
#define PBUF_DEBUG                      LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * API_LIB_DEBUG: Enable debugging in api_lib.c.
#define API_LIB_DEBUG                   LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * API_MSG_DEBUG: Enable debugging in api_msg.c.
#define API_MSG_DEBUG                   LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * SOCKETS_DEBUG: Enable debugging in sockets.c.
#define SOCKETS_DEBUG                   LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * ICMP_DEBUG: Enable debugging in icmp.c.
#define ICMP_DEBUG                      LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * IGMP_DEBUG: Enable debugging in igmp.c.
#define IGMP_DEBUG                      LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * INET_DEBUG: Enable debugging in inet.c.
#define INET_DEBUG                      LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * IP_DEBUG: Enable debugging for IP.
#define IP_DEBUG                        LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * IP_REASS_DEBUG: Enable debugging in ip_frag.c for both frag & reass.
#define IP_REASS_DEBUG                  LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * RAW_DEBUG: Enable debugging in raw.c.
#define RAW_DEBUG                       LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * MEM_DEBUG: Enable debugging in mem.c.
#define MEM_DEBUG                       LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * MEMP_DEBUG: Enable debugging in memp.c.
#define MEMP_DEBUG                      LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * SYS_DEBUG: Enable debugging in sys.c.
#define SYS_DEBUG                       LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * TCP_DEBUG: Enable debugging for TCP.
#define TCP_DEBUG                       LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * TCP_INPUT_DEBUG: Enable debugging in tcp_in.c for incoming debug.
#define TCP_INPUT_DEBUG                 LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * TCP_FR_DEBUG: Enable debugging in tcp_in.c for fast retransmit.
#define TCP_FR_DEBUG                    LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * TCP_RTO_DEBUG: Enable debugging in TCP for retransmit
 * timeout.
#define TCP_RTO_DEBUG                   LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * TCP_CWND_DEBUG: Enable debugging for TCP congestion window.
#define TCP_CWND_DEBUG                  LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * TCP_WND_DEBUG: Enable debugging in tcp_in.c for window updating.
#define TCP_WND_DEBUG                   LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * TCP_OUTPUT_DEBUG: Enable debugging in tcp_out.c output functions.
#define TCP_OUTPUT_DEBUG                LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * TCP_RST_DEBUG: Enable debugging for TCP with the RST message.
#define TCP_RST_DEBUG                   LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * TCP_QLEN_DEBUG: Enable debugging for TCP queue lengths.
#define TCP_QLEN_DEBUG                  LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * UDP_DEBUG: Enable debugging in UDP.
#define UDP_DEBUG                       LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * TCPIP_DEBUG: Enable debugging in tcpip.c.
#define TCPIP_DEBUG                     LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * PPP_DEBUG: Enable debugging for PPP.
#define PPP_DEBUG                       LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * SLIP_DEBUG: Enable debugging in slipif.c.
#define SLIP_DEBUG                      LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * DHCP_DEBUG: Enable debugging in dhcp.c.
#define DHCP_DEBUG                      LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * AUTOIP_DEBUG: Enable debugging in autoip.c.
#define AUTOIP_DEBUG                    LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * SNMP_MSG_DEBUG: Enable debugging for SNMP messages.
#define SNMP_MSG_DEBUG                  LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * SNMP_MIB_DEBUG: Enable debugging for SNMP MIBs.
#define SNMP_MIB_DEBUG                  LWIP_DBG_OFF

 * DNS_DEBUG: Enable debugging for DNS.
#define DNS_DEBUG                       LWIP_DBG_OFF

#endif /* __LWIPOPTS_H__ */

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