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[lwip-users] [lwip] some questions

From: Recker, John
Subject: [lwip-users] [lwip] some questions
Date: Wed, 08 Jan 2003 22:47:10 -0000

Several completely unrelated Q's...

1) I am unclear about the need for tcp_ack_now()
in the TIME_WAIT state in tcp_input.c

My understanding (admittedly vague) of the state
diagram suggests that an ACK would be sent if
necessary in the transistion to this state, and
thus no acks would be generated from this state?

I'm asking as I occasionally see an infinite loop 
when closing a connection with the two sides 
endlessly ack'ing each others ack's.


2) what is the purpose of the netconn_delete(conn)
as the last line of the lwip_socket() function?


3) I have written some code to implement non-blocking
socket commands. I added two functions (netconn_recv_avail
and netconn_accept_avail) to the netconn layer, and
a sys_mbox_peek function to the mbox. Of course some changes in
the lwip_socket library, including ioctlsocket, select, and
tests of the non-blocking flags where required. Are these 
of interest?

With these changes I have gotten the HP picochai web server
(based on mathopd) to run on lwip.


4) ~line 100 of tcp_input.c (tcp_input), the ip_addr_ismulticast()
function call. I think that this requires ntohl(iphdr->dest.addr).
(I think that this problem occurs elsewhere as well).

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