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[lwip-devel] [bug #36273] Bug with MEMP_MEM_MALLOC = 0

From: dagos
Subject: [lwip-devel] [bug #36273] Bug with MEMP_MEM_MALLOC = 0
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2012 10:04:24 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:11.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/11.0


                 Summary: Bug with MEMP_MEM_MALLOC = 0
                 Project: lwIP - A Lightweight TCP/IP stack
            Submitted by: dagos
            Submitted on: lun. 23 avril 2012 10:04:24 GMT
                Category: pbufs
                Severity: 3 - Normal
              Item Group: Faulty Behaviour
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
         Planned Release: 
            lwIP version: 1.4.0



With MEM_LIBC_MALLOC = 0, when doing multiples TCP connexions before UDP
UDP netconn_recv returns a pbuf at always the same address,
and data associated is wrong:

I have (UDP DATA FIELD, with WireShark):

.....c*** DONNEE
 DE TEST ***

Instead of (UDP DATA FIELD, with WireShark):

          *** DO

Output with MEM_LIBC_MALLOC = 0:

*** CAS1 (TCP) ***
CAS1: Connexion TCP acceptée par la pile LWIP sur le port 1102!
CAS1: TEST OK: Donnée TCP reçue sur port 1102: *** DONNEE DE TEST ***!
CAS1: TEST OK: Acquittement reçu: ACK!!
CAS1: Fin de la connexion!

*** CAS2 (TCP) ***
CAS2: Connexion TCP acceptée par la machine UNIX sur le port 1202.
CAS2: TEST OK: Donnée TCP reçue sur port 1202: *** DONNEE DE TEST ***!
CAS2: TEST OK: Acquittement reçu: ACK!!
CAS2: Fin de la connexion!

*** CAS3 (UDP) ***
CAS3: TEST OK: Donnée UDP reçue sur port 1102: E!   ===> BUG
CAS3: TEST OK: Acquittement reçu: E!                ===> BUG (same pbuf, but
another netconn_recv call)

*** CAS4 (UDP) ***
CAS4: TEST OK: Donnée UDP reçue sur port 1202: E!   ===> BUG (same pbuf, but
another netconn_recv call)
CAS4: TEST OK: Acquittement reçu: E!                ===> BUG (same pbuf, but
another netconn_recv call)

*** CAS1 (TCP) ***
CAS1: Connexion TCP acceptée par la pile LWIP sur le port 1102!
CAS1: TEST OK: Donnée TCP reçue sur port 1102: *** DONNEE DE TEST ***!   ==>
pbuf is OK for netconn_recv TCP!
CAS1: TEST OK: Acquittement reçu: ACK!!
CAS1: Fin de la connexion!


Note that if I don't use TCP connexions (only CAS3 and CAS4), the problem is
not present.
It's looks like the problem occurs when a TCP netconn is closed on a side when
TCP netconn is receiving in the other size.

With MEM_LIBC_MALLOC = 1, no problem found.

Sorry for my english ;)


File Attachments:

Date: lun. 23 avril 2012 10:04:24 GMT  Name: lwipopts.h  Size: 13 ko   By:



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