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Re: [lwip-devel] two netif on the same HW - DHCP and fixed ip toghether

From: Alain M.
Subject: Re: [lwip-devel] two netif on the same HW - DHCP and fixed ip toghether
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2008 15:44:09 -0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080914)

Piero 74 escreveu:

Ok... but the problem happens if the installer put the board in a small LAN without DHCP or try to connect it directly to his pc using eth cable.
In this case i need a fixed IP.

Then you can use AUTOIP, I learned of this here, so you may find moro in the list's history. It selects ramdom IPs and checks if they are in in use...

Then you can implement something using UDP broadcast to find your board. Two friends have implemented something like that based on that idea: you bradcast a single UDP packet with an ID in it, and your board answers to the sender.

What I am not sure is how to get the MASK correct with AUTOIP, any ideas?


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