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RE: [lwip-devel] tcp_receive(): Wrong tot_len when trsee immingfirst edg

From: K.J. Mansley
Subject: RE: [lwip-devel] tcp_receive(): Wrong tot_len when trsee immingfirst edge
Date: 24 May 2004 15:16:56 +0100

I've had a look, and think that a change does need to be made.  I
propose the following (tcp_in.c, line 921):

        off = pcb->rcv_nxt - seqno;
        p = inseg.p;
        if (inseg.p->len < off) {
          new_tot_len = inseg.p->tot_len - off;
          while (p->len < off) {
            off -= p->len;
            /* KJM following line changed (with addition of new_tot_len var)
               to fix bug #
               inseg.p->tot_len -= p->len; */
            p->tot_len = new_tot_len;
            p->len = 0;
            p = p->next;
          pbuf_header(p, -off);
        } else {
          pbuf_header(inseg.p, -off);
        /* KJM following line changed to use p->payload rather than 
           to fix bug # */
        inseg.dataptr = p->payload;
        inseg.len -= pcb->rcv_nxt - seqno;
        inseg.tcphdr->seqno = seqno = pcb->rcv_nxt;

This is almost identical to the correction in the original email, with a
couple of minor changes.  It should also correctly set inseg.dataptr. 
I've commented the affected lines so it should be clear to anyone
investigating failures that are caused as a result of this change what
I've done.

If anyone could cast their eye over it before I commit the change and
point out anything I've missed I'd be grateful.

Also, Leon: you suggested commiting this to a particular branch.  Is
that the default/normal one at the moment, or do I need to do something
special before checking in?  I've lost track of which we normally commit



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