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Re: [lwip-devel] Bug in Checksum implementation and ARP fix

From: Kenneth Porter
Subject: Re: [lwip-devel] Bug in Checksum implementation and ARP fix
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2003 15:02:34 -0700

--On Wednesday, October 22, 2003 9:21 AM +0100 Kieran Mansley <address@hidden> wrote:

Would this mean we'd need a macro for every combination of from-type and
to-type?  If so, there could be a very large number of them,

I'd hope there weren't a lot of casts littering the code, with all kinds of types. Casts should be used in exceptional situations, not the norm.

and the
macros would be effectively hiding the cast making it harder to see what
was going on.  Someone coming along, reading the code, and seeing
"hbb2hs(var)" is not going to have a clue what it means, whereas
"(u16_t *)var" gives a lot more information.

I'd vote for keeping the casts out in the open, but I feel like I must be
missing something as I still don't really see the problem.

This is similar to suggesting that we should code in assembly language, because C obscures what's "really" going on behind the scenes.

The objective is not to obscure, but to abstract. The macro (or in some cases, function) would be abstracting the operation of parsing a raw byte stream into larger objects that may require alignment for some architectures. The purpose is exactly that of the h2n macros used to convert endianness, handling architectural details and maintaining portability of the code, as well as allowing efficiencies on some architectures.

Remember that the cast is an implementation detail, not an algorithm. It's sufficient for some architectures but not all. Extracting shorts and longs from byte buffers is common enough in low-level network code to use macros defined within architecture conditionals that use the most efficient idiom that's correct for that architecture.

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