On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 8:22 AM, Christoph Baumann<address@hidden> wrote:
is it possible to run LTIB without root privileges?
I see the point that at least the tool chain needs to be installed as root. But
compiling for the target and building an image could theoretically be done
without root privileges, isn't it?
Trying out LTIB I noticed that I need these right nevertheless to install RPMs
for the target into the target FS.
Is there any feasible way to do this without sudo (e.g. fakeroot, chroot)?
Interesting concept, so I though I would try it out. Here's what I did:
1. Tool-chains and host support packages already installed.
2. Built and installed fakeroot-ng, http://sourceforge.net/projects/fakerootng/
3. commented out my /etc/sudoers entry that ltib requires.
4. Modified ltib to use fakeroot-ng: replaced sudo => "sudo" with
sudo => "fakeroot-ng"
5. If run already once as root the rpm database is owned by root,
chown as required.
6. Ran ltib for one of my platform configs with --no-sudo to skip check.
Building now without seeing any issues. Not done yet as it this
platform takes about an hour to complete, but I have some new rpms and
a rootfs under my id. Nice.
So, I decided to go re-visit #1 to see if I can install the ltib host
rpm's and tools as a user. Cleaned all traces of ltib from system.
chown'd /opt as myself. Get through rpm-fs, fake-provides, but fails
on mkspooflinks:
Build time for mkspooflinks: 3 seconds
fakeroot-ng /opt/ltib/usr/bin/rpm --root / --dbpath
/opt/ltib/var/lib/rpm -e --allmatches --nodeps --noscripts --define
'_tmppath /home/mike/tmp' mkspooflinks 2>/dev/null
fakeroot-ng /opt/ltib/usr/bin/rpm --root / --dbpath
/opt/ltib/var/lib/rpm --prefix / --ignorearch -ivh --replacepkgs
--replacefiles --nodeps --excludedocs --noscripts --define '_tmppath
Preparing... ##################################################
mkspooflinks error: unpacking of archive failed on file
//opt: cpio: chmod failed - Operation not permitted
Not sure of the error, but would be interesting to get full ltib under
user id's since this may help in the long-run.