Hi Jehan,
I think the -quit is definitely something to add.
As far as the other stuff goes, I see what you're trying to do, but I
wonder what your scenario is?
With the exception of the kernel, I would not expect symlinks in
rpm/BUILD. If you want to have packages outside the build area, the
normal mechanism is to use the 'directory build' method, this allows you
to independently manage the source tree (e.g. svn, git, cvs). For an
example see:
The concern I have with this approach for normal packages is that not
all operations will work correctly. It's been a while since I've looked
at this in-depth, so I can't recall all the issues.
I'm not saying no to this, but I'd like to understand a little more
about what you're trying to achieve by having symlinked packages.
Regards, Stuart
On 22/03/12 01:09, Jehan Bing wrote:
Our ltib setup is currently this:
package1 -> ../../../package1
package2 -> ../../../package2
because rpm/BUILD/packageX is a symbolic link, "find" returns
immediately when checking if the source was changed and doesn't
actually check the source. One option is to add a / at the end of the
directory name ("find $src_dir/ ..."). But there could also be
symlinks inside the directory pointing outside tree so I think use
"-L" to follow _all_ symlinks is a better idea (though it can slow
down the check quite a bit if the symlink points to a big directory)
Also, find will search for _all_ the files that are newer than the rpm
but knowing that one file at least changed is enough and checking the
rest is just useless processing. So find should use the "-quit"
parameter to stop the search as soon as one file is found.
Patch attached.
diff --git a/ltib b/ltib
index 10134a7..9f66282 100755
--- a/ltib
+++ b/ltib
@@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ TXT
die("'$src_dir' doesn't exist\n") unless -e $src_dir;
# See if the source tree has been touched
- $cmd = "find $src_dir -newer $rpms[0] -print";
+ $cmd = "find -L $src_dir -newer $rpms[0] -print -quit";
print "checking if sources have been updated: ";
if(`$cmd`) {
print "yes\n";
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