The merge directory is how I was modifying rc.local originally. This had the
problem that what ended up in the rootfs after running LTIB was not always the
one in the merge directory. To guarantee that rootfs contained the correct
file, I would delete the entire rootfs before building (I probably could have
deleted only the rc.local file, but there was another reason I wiped the entire
directory--long story, which has been remedied).
-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart Hughes [mailto:address@hidden
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 12:29 AM
To: Peter Barada
Cc: Douglas Peterson; address@hidden
Subject: Re: [Ltib] [LTIB] Modifying rc.local
Hi Peter,
The docs could do with maintenance, but as I've said before at the
moment I have almost zero time available.
Also a better way to override rc.local is to create a merge directory
under your config/platform/_target_ directory, e.g
config/platform/_target_/merge/etc/rc.d/rc.local (there are some
examples on other platforms such as mpc8349itx).
There's a note about this in the FAQ under:
---+ Root Filesystems
---++ Can I add files to the target root file system without creating a
Regards, Stuart
On 03/19/2012 11:26 PM, Peter Barada wrote:
On 03/19/2012 07:14 PM, Douglas Peterson wrote:
That shows two packages:
And sure enough, sysconfig.spec writes the rogue rc.local file.
So it appears that if we want to modify rc.local, we need to use our own
Thanks Peter,
Stuart, would this be useful to put into the FAQ somewhere?