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[Logs-devel] add cl-interpol to LoGS?

From: Jim Prewett
Subject: [Logs-devel] add cl-interpol to LoGS?
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 09:56:12 -0600 (MDT)

Hi all,

I'm starting to make a lot of use of Edi Weitz' excellent cl-interpol 
package (you have another winner, Edi!) in my LoGS rulesets.  I'm 
wondering if its functionality is generally useful enough (the way that 
cl-ppcre is) to warrant adding to LoGS.

I'm doing things like:

;; the regexp that defines the internal network
(defvar *internal-network-ipv4-regexp* "10.3.\\d+.\\d+")

;; there is no action, so throw away internal login messages
(rule named 'ignore-internal-logins-ipv4
          matching regexp 
#?"sshd\\[\\d+\\]: Accepted publickey for .* from 
${*internal-network-ipv4-regexp} port \\d+ ssh2")

That basically allows me to more easily share rulesets with other shops; 
They can define their own *internal-network-ipv4-regexp* and use my rules.

What do you think?


James E. Prewett                    address@hidden address@hidden 
Systems Team Leader           LoGS: http://www.hpc.unm.edu/~download/LoGS/ 
Designated Security Officer         OpenPGP key: pub 1024D/31816D93    
HPC Systems Engineer III   UNM HPC  505.277.8210

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