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Re: [lmi] An ironic i686+i87 surprise

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: Re: [lmi] An ironic i686+i87 surprise
Date: Fri, 13 May 2022 22:40:40 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/91.8.0

On 5/10/22 16:22, Greg Chicares wrote:
> An anomaly in this file from 2005:
> https://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/lmi/lmi-data-20050618T1440Z.tar.bz2
> was unearthed by the rate-table tool:
>   $wine /opt/lmi/bin/rate_table_tool.exe --accept --file=/opt/lmi/data/sample 
> --extract-all
> [...]
>   Table #10 specifies 8 decimals, but 17 were necessary.
>   This flaw has been corrected, and the CRC recalculated.
>   [rate_table.cpp : 1860]
> so I corrected it by truncating the data to eight decimals (locally for
> now, but I plan to upload a replacement soon).

I uploaded the promised replacement, and even announced it, but
only in the proprietary repository--thus:

   Rectify anomalous rate table
    |   Table #10 specifies 8 decimals, but 17 were necessary.
    | so I corrected it by truncating the data to eight decimals
    Use with the same lmi commit specified in the last proprietary commit,
    and with this new file...
    [if it doesn't redirect automatically, change "sv" to "savannah"]
    ...extracted with a command such as...
      wine /opt/lmi/bin/rate_table_tool.exe \
        --accept --file=sample --extract-all
    ...run in /opt/lmi/data/ .

The "last proprietary commit" referred to above was:

    Make two comparisons work even for x87
    Use with lmi commit d250bccb2 . Do not update 'sample.{dat,ndx} yet.

The new archive omits some obsolete files that were in the old,
like *.{db4,pol,tir} and maybe a couple other three-letter extensions.

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