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[lmi] Relying on global_settings.o existence in the current directory

From: Vadim Zeitlin
Subject: [lmi] Relying on global_settings.o existence in the current directory
Date: Tue, 11 May 2021 10:24:21 +0200


 One of the new problems in the CI build is this failure in
global_settings_test in autotools build:

---------------------------------- >8 --------------------------------------
???? test failed: Caught exception
    'Data directory 'global_settings.o' not found.
[path_utility.cpp : 359]
    'Data directory 'global_settings.o' is not a directory.'
  was expected.
[file ../global_settings_test.cpp, line 69]

???? 1 test errors detected; 6 tests succeeded
---------------------------------- >8 --------------------------------------

 The cause for it is clear enough: the file global_settings.o doesn't exist
in the current directory of the test. And I can work around this by simply

        $ touch global_settings.o

 However I think it's a bad idea for the test to rely on the existence of
files not directly created by it, as this makes it non self-contained, so
I'd like to ask if you'd accept a patch creating a temporary file to use
for this particular test and deleting it in the test itself?

 Alternatively, we could use global_settings_test.cpp itself, which is at
least guaranteed to exist, but in this case we would also need to use the
source directory to construct the full path to it.

 Please let me know if you'd accept any patches improving this or if you
think it's not worth doing it as long as it can be worked around by
creating a dummy object file as shown above.

 Thanks in advance,

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