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[lmi] Why do we have unused PredominantViewWindow() methods?

From: Vadim Zeitlin
Subject: [lmi] Why do we have unused PredominantViewWindow() methods?
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2020 01:47:43 +0100


 It's my turn to wonder if I'm using something obvious: I'm looking at
PredominantViewWindow() member of CensusDocument class and I can't find any
place that would actually use it. In fact, it's even worse: a member with
this name is defined for all document classes (gpt_document, mec_document,
IllustrationDocument, TextEditDocument), but only seems to be actually used
for one of them (TextEditDocument).

 Do the other methods exist just for consistency? It seems rather strange
to define functions that are never used to me, but if their existence is
intentional, should we also add such member to the new wxGrid-based
CensusDocument class? This is what the current version does, in fact, but
reviewing the changes I'm tempted to remove this method, even if this would
be gratuitously different from the existing wxDataViewCtrl-based version.

 Or maybe we should remove the unused PredominantViewWindow() functions? I
could easily make a patch doing this, of course, but I think it would only
be useful if it could be applied quickly, as otherwise it will conflict
with the upcoming wxGrid patch and probably do more harm than good. But at
least I definitely shouldn't add another unused PredominantViewWindow()
version if we plan on removing them in the future.

 This is not a terribly important question, but if you have any thoughts
about this, I'd like to hear them. FWIW I couldn't find anything relevant
by searching for this function name in the list archives.

 Thanks in advance,

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