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[lmi] wx_test_calculation_summary.cpp

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: [lmi] wx_test_calculation_summary.cpp
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 01:01:06 +0000
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// comment below changes the original specification, and does not
// yet describe the present code. Desired changes:
//  - Make sure default columns are used with '--distribution'.
//  - Remove comment block (A) above: it's incorporated below.
//  - Remove comment block (B) above: it's incorporated below, with
//    only one column selected (twelve is overkill).
//  - Code the additional tests specified below.
//  - Don't bother reading 'configurable_settings' directly: it cannot
//    be wrong if all columns on the screen are correct.

// Deferred ideas:
// Remove comment blocks (C) and (D) above: spreadsheet output is
// tested elsewhere.
// Someday, test supplemental-report column selections similarly.
// To test backward compatibility, modify 'configurable_settings'
// directly, adding a field that was formerly removed, and setting
// the version number to a version that offered that field.
// Columns whose names end with "Zero" are available iff inforce
// general and separate account value are both nonzero. This could be
// tested here; however, it would be a vastly better use of limited
// time to generate the special report that uses them automatically
// rather than manually, and then to expunge those columns from
// 'mc_enum_types.?pp'.

/// Test calculation summary.
/// Iff the '--distribution' option is specified, then:
///   File | Preferences
/// make sure "Use built-in calculation summary" is checked.
/// Display an illustration, to see calculation-summary effects:
/// File | New | Illustration | OK
/// File | Preferences
/// uncheck "Use built-in calculation summary"
/// set all "Column" controls to "[none]"
///   do this by simulating {Tab Home} repeatedly because that is
///   much faster and is what a smart user does
/// in "Column 2" (two, not zero), select "NewCashLoan"
/// OK
/// Verify that the columns shown in the open illustration are exactly
///   Policy Year
///   Annual Loan
/// File | Preferences
/// Verify that "NewCashLoan" has moved from "Column 2" to "Column 0"
/// check "Use built-in calculation summary"
/// OK
/// Verify that the columns shown in the open illustration are exactly
///   Policy Year
///   Net Outlay
///   Curr Account Value
///   Curr Net Cash Surr Value
///   Curr EOY Death Benefit
/// File | Preferences
/// uncheck "Use built-in calculation summary"
/// Verify that "Column 0" is "NewCashLoan" and the rest are "[none]"
/// OK
/// Verify that the columns shown in the open illustration are exactly
///   Policy Year
///   Annual Loan

Kim--I found overlooked notes from December concerning this file
and one other, so I've written up these changes and committed them,
but I'm not entirely sure about some details:

 - Did we decide to eliminate (C) and (D) now, as mentioned above
   in "Deferred ideas"?

 - With '--distribution', did we really intend only this:
/// make sure "Use built-in calculation summary" is checked.
   or should we also (or instead) verify that the explicit
   column selections match the default selections?

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