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Re: [lmi] help with orphan-control in xsl-fo

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: Re: [lmi] help with orphan-control in xsl-fo
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2009 18:26:27 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090302)

On 2009-04-22 22:05Z, Wendy Boutin wrote:
> Normally there are 35 rows that will print six blocks on one
> page and a block of five on the next. If three rows are left
> over instead then they fit on the same page; however, they
> collide with the text in the footer and cause the next page
> to only contain headers and footers. I will send a few pdf
> examples in private email to show the precise problem.
> The problem was detected using 'nasd.xsl'.

Probably the easiest way to reproduce this with the 'sample'
product (which normally uses a different '.xsl' file) is:
  $cd /opt/lmi/data
  $cp nasd.xsl illustration_reg.xsl
(If you use something other than '--data_path=/opt/lmi/data',
then modify the directory as appropriate.)


  File | New | Illustration
  Plan tab:
    "sample" product
  Client tab:
    Issue age: 62
  Payments tab:
    Individual payment: 0
    Corporation payment: "minimum" (paste string without quotes)
  File | Print preview

Increasing or decreasing the age by one should reproduce the
other scenarios in the 'pdf' files mentioned above.

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