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Re: [lmi] Linux makefiles update

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: Re: [lmi] Linux makefiles update
Date: Sun, 09 Mar 2008 00:13:38 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080213)

On 2008-03-07 21:34Z, Vaclav Slavik wrote:
> below is a patch to update Linux makefiles after recent skin files
> changes. I also reordered the files a bit so that they are in
> alphabetical order including the extension, so that
> "ls -1 *.xrc *.xpm" can be used to update the list easily.

Applied 20080309T0004Z.

(1) I followed your 'ls' recipe instead of the patch, because the
two differed slightly--same contents, different order. Could you
and I be using different locales? Here's what I get:

$echo "abc\naBc\na.c\na_c\na-c" |sort

which AFAICT follows LC_COLLATE for the POSIX locale.

(2) Would it be a bad idea to write this, e.g.,

  dist_xrc_DATA = `ls -1 *.xrc *.xpm`

(instead of listing every file by name) so that we'd never have
to maintain it? I have no plan to move such files into any
separate subdirectory.

(3) Nearby I see this comment:

# TODO: we should install them in $(pkgdatadir)/resources or something similar
#       (but for this the code in main_wx.cpp must be modified to allow it)
xrcdir = $(bindir)

and I wonder whether we can resolve that issue. All these files
are assumed to reside wherever this 'getopt' argument specifies:

        {"data_path" ,REQD_ARG ,0 ,'d' ,0 ,"path to data files"},

The path defaults to '.' if it's not specified. That's a
convenience for msw end users, who keep all files in a single
directory, e.g., 'C:\lmi-20080224Z\' for the latest release.
If $(xrcdir) is to be used for 'make distrib', then this recipe:

$<version.hpp sed -e'/LMI_VERSION/!d' -e's|^.*"\([0-9A-Z]\{8\}\).*$|/lmi-\1Z|'

reliably gives the POSIX equivalent, as long as we can assume
gnu 'sed' is being used (I'm not sure '\{' is portable).

I myself usually specify '--data_path=/opt/lmi/data' when I'm
running the development version, but of course that's a
different matter.

(4) In case it's of interest to my US coworkers...when you give
an inline patch in email, generally I copy it to the clipboard
and do this:

  $patch --dry-run </dev/clipboard

to make sure it'll apply cleanly, then this:

  $patch </dev/clipboard

The Cygwin clipboard device is very handy.

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