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[lmi] Calculation summary c++ code patch version0

From: Evgeniy Tarassov
Subject: [lmi] Calculation summary c++ code patch version0
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 00:11:04 +0200

Hello Greg,

This is the patch to apply, when xmlpp_branch merge is complete. I was
not sure weither i should commit it into the new branch ' or should i
wait until that new branch joins the HEAD one. As they say in the
"Flying Fish technique" you have mentioned before:
| http://computing.ee.ethz.ch/sepp/cvs-1.10-to/cvsbook/main_88.html
|   I call this the Flying Fish technique, because the branch is
constantly emerging
|   from the trunk, traveling a short distance, then rejoining it.

Or maybe i should create another branch for "Calculation summary"? I
am confused abit.

Anyway the patch is on lmi savannah page.


Please tell me if i should commit it by myself or wait for your

Thank you in advance!

I will continue to resolve some little issues with xml resources and
will post updates into the same thread as the original patch mentioned
| https://savannah.nongnu.org/patch/index.php?5463

There are number of questions/decisions to make - where do you think i
should put it - as a reply to this message, as a different topic?
These questions are mostly about xml resources and, as you have said
it before, are not the priority.

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