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[lmi] Switching between wxNotebook and wxListbook

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: [lmi] Switching between wxNotebook and wxListbook
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 00:24:25 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060516)

Vadim--I've succeeded in switching between different book controls
at run time. This is a very nice capability. Some of the things I
did seem dubious, so I'd like to ask your advice.

1. Two simple text replacements:
  s/#include <wx/notebook.h>/#include <wx/bookctrl.h>/
across all my '*.?pp' files were nearly sufficient. The only problem
I encountered was that there is no
  typedef wxWindow wxBookCtrlBasePage;
corresponding to wxNotebookPage. However, it seems strange to use an
undocumented wx base class directly--I'd avoid using wxWindowBase,
for example. Is it a bad idea to use wxBookCtrlBase in user code?
Is there a better way? Of course, wxBookCtrl isn't the right way:
it's a macro for a derived class, not a common base class.

2. In an '.xrc' file, I had to change
as expected, but I also had to change
which seems inconvenient. Shouldn't there be a 'class' that works
for both? I tried 'class="wxWindow"', but that didn't work at all.

3. BTW, I notice that I've got this line
in the '.xrc' file. As with 'class="notebookpage"', I imagine that
I just copied this from some wx example years ago; does it actually
do anything? I don't observe any difference in program behavior if
I remove this line.

4. The wxListCtrl doesn't seem to size itself automatically to make
its contents fit, even if I widen the dialog. I'll email you a tiny
'.png' that shows this. I thought this might be a wxSplitterWindow
but couldn't find a "sash" to drag. Shouldn't wxxrc resize this?

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