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Re: wxHtmlWindow::AcceptsFocus() [Was: [lmi] Overriding wx member functi

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: Re: wxHtmlWindow::AcceptsFocus() [Was: [lmi] Overriding wx member functions]
Date: Sun, 04 Dec 2005 02:49:40 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317)

On 2005-12-3 3:27 UTC, Vadim Zeitlin wrote:
> On Fri, 02 Dec 2005 15:36:07 +0000 Greg Chicares <address@hidden> wrote:
> GC> In wx-2.5.4 at least (we're both getting tired of me saying that),
> GC> wxHtmlWindow::AcceptsFocus() returns true. Does that seem right?
>  In fact it is right even though I also personally thought it was not (and
> so had AcceptsFocus() return false for this class). The reason is that the
> keyboard can be used to navigate in the window

I agree that wx treats a wxHtmlWindow as though one could navigate
to it using the keyboard, but I don't know how one can do that.

> and also to select text in
> the HTML window,

How? What keystrokes would one use to do this? I must be missing

Am I puzzled just because I'm not using one of those abominable
ms keyboards and therefore don't have an 'application key'? If
special hardware is required to interact with a wxHtmlWindow
through the keyboard, then wouldn't it be better for the library
to detect it?

> so we shouldn't prevent it from getting focus -- just as a
> read-only text control still gets it because the user can use keyboard to
> select and copy text in it.

I'm using the 'skeleton' branch because the 'lmi' branch has no
wxHtmlWindow. That branch's 'mvc_view.xrc' has code like this:

        <object class="sizeritem">
            <flag>wxGROW | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL</flag>
            <object class="wxHtmlWindow" name="controls_htmlwindow">
                    Controls that manage the same sort of data are
                    interchangeable. This is how the previous tab
                    looks with comboboxes substituted for radioboxes.

I can't find a way to select that text using only my keyboard.

Perhaps that's just because I'm using wxxrc, and otherwise the
text would be selectable with the keyboard only; but if that is
so, then how can I most cleanly prevent this "dead" window from
receiving focus? Clearly, instead of
  wxWindow* w;
  if(w && w->IsEnabled() && w->AcceptsFocus())
I could say
  wxHtmlWindow* html_window = dynamic_cast<wxHtmlWindow*>(w);
  if(w && w->IsEnabled() && w->AcceptsFocus() && !html_window)

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