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[lmi-commits] [lmi] master 86661b6 22/22: Validate number of iterations

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: [lmi-commits] [lmi] master 86661b6 22/22: Validate number of iterations
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 2021 21:38:03 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit 86661b679131242219f8e4ee0aa846a2b2c4c3d0
Author: Gregory W. Chicares <gchicares@sbcglobal.net>
Commit: Gregory W. Chicares <gchicares@sbcglobal.net>

    Validate number of iterations
    Testing the number of iterations has some power to identify errors in
    translation from the ALGOL, so it would be foolhardy to omit it.
 zero_test.cpp | 63 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 63 insertions(+)

diff --git a/zero_test.cpp b/zero_test.cpp
index 856bcf4..176806d 100644
--- a/zero_test.cpp
+++ b/zero_test.cpp
@@ -40,6 +40,30 @@ double max_err(double zeta, double tol)
     return 6.0 * epsilon * std::fabs(zeta) + 2.0 * tol;
+/// AfMWD eq. 3.3: maximum number of iterations for bisection.
+/// The return value, k+1, is the exact number of function
+/// evaluations unless f vanishes early, as Brent explains in the
+/// paragraph following eq. 3.3 .
+/// static_cast<int> is exact for any number of iterations that
+/// can be counted by an 'int'.
+int max_n_iter_bolzano(double a, double b, double tol, double zeta)
+    double delta = 2.0 * epsilon * std::fabs(zeta) + tol;
+    double k = std::ceil(std::log2(std::fabs(b - a) / delta));
+    return 1 + static_cast<int>(k);
+/// AfMWD eq. 3.3: maximum number of iterations for Brent's method.
+int max_n_iter_brent(double a, double b, double tol, double zeta)
+    int k_plus_one = max_n_iter_bolzano(a, b, tol, zeta);
+    return k_plus_one * k_plus_one - 2;
 } // Unnamed namespace.
 template<typename F>
@@ -241,12 +265,22 @@ int test_main(int, char*[])
     e_nineteenth e_19;
+    // Number of iterations:
+    //   195 Brent's table 4.1 (IBM 360)
+    //   171 x86_64 brent_zero (IEEE 754)
+    //   169 x86_64 decimal_root (differs slightly due to rounding)
     double d = brent_zero(-1.0, 4.0, 1.0e-20, e_19);
     LMI_TEST(std::fabs(d) <= epsilon);
     r = decimal_root(-1.0, 4.0, bias_none, 20, e_19);
     LMI_TEST(root_is_valid == r.validity);
     LMI_TEST(std::fabs(r.root) <= epsilon);
+    // Assertions labelled 'weak' test the number of iterations
+    // against empirical measurements (with various architectures)
+    // rather than a theoretical maximum. Perhaps they'll always
+    // succeed, because floating-point behavior is determinate;
+    // but small variations betoken no catastrophe.
+    LMI_TEST(169 <= r.n_iter && r.n_iter <= 173); // weak
     d = brent_zero(-100.0, 100.0, 0.5, eq_2_1);
     double zeta = -100.0;
@@ -256,15 +290,44 @@ int test_main(int, char*[])
     r = decimal_root(-100.0, 100.0, bias_none, 0, eq_2_1);
     LMI_TEST(root_is_valid == r.validity);
     LMI_TEST(-100.0 <= r.root && r.root <= eq_2_1_upper);
+    LMI_TEST(10 == max_n_iter_bolzano(-100.0, 100.0, 0.5, -100.0));
+    LMI_TEST(98 == max_n_iter_brent  (-100.0, 100.0, 0.5, -100.0));
+    LMI_TEST(r.n_iter <= 98);
+    LMI_TEST_EQUAL(20, r.n_iter); // weak
+    // Number of iterations required:
+    //   23 for brent_zero() [above]
+    //   20 for decimal_root()
+    // Presumably the difference is due to rounding.
     r = decimal_root(-100.0, 100.0, bias_none, 20, eq_2_1);
     LMI_TEST(root_is_valid == r.validity);
     // Twenty-decimal rounding makes the epsilon term vanish.
     LMI_TEST(-100.0 <= r.root && r.root <= zeta + max_err(zeta, 0.0));
+    LMI_TEST(  53 == max_n_iter_bolzano(-100.0, 100.0, 0.0, -100.0));
+    LMI_TEST(2807 == max_n_iter_brent  (-100.0, 100.0, 0.0, -100.0));
+    LMI_TEST(r.n_iter <= 2807);
+    LMI_TEST_EQUAL(66, r.n_iter); // weak
     r = decimal_root(-1.0, 1.0, bias_none, 13, signum_offset);
     LMI_TEST(root_is_valid == r.validity);
     LMI_TEST(materially_equal(-1.0 / 3.0, r.root));
+    zeta = 1.0 / 3.0;
+    double tol = 0.5 * 1.0e-13;
+    LMI_TEST_EQUAL(  47, max_n_iter_bolzano(-1.0, 1.0, tol, zeta));
+    LMI_TEST_EQUAL(2207, max_n_iter_brent  (-1.0, 1.0, tol, zeta));
+    LMI_TEST(r.n_iter <= 2207);
+    // Here, decimal_root() always chooses the bisection technique.
+    LMI_TEST(46 <= r.n_iter && r.n_iter <= 47); // weak
+    r = decimal_root(-1.0, 1.0, bias_none, 16, signum_offset);
+    LMI_TEST(root_is_valid == r.validity);
+    LMI_TEST(materially_equal(-1.0 / 3.0, r.root));
+    tol = 0.5 * 1.0e-16;
+    LMI_TEST_EQUAL(  55, max_n_iter_bolzano(-1.0, 1.0, tol, zeta));
+    LMI_TEST_EQUAL(3023, max_n_iter_brent  (-1.0, 1.0, tol, zeta));
+    LMI_TEST(r.n_iter <= 3023);
+    // Here, decimal_root() always chooses the bisection technique.
+    LMI_TEST_EQUAL(55, r.n_iter); // weak
     e_former_rounding_problem e_frp;
     r = decimal_root(0.12609, 0.12611, bias_lower, 5, e_frp);

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