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[lmi-commits] [lmi] odd/source_script_in_makefile 2bf1d5d 7/8: Remove du

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: [lmi-commits] [lmi] odd/source_script_in_makefile 2bf1d5d 7/8: Remove duplicated target name; improve documentation
Date: Fri, 17 May 2019 21:31:39 -0400 (EDT)

branch: odd/source_script_in_makefile
commit 2bf1d5d48d908d4a55fa93b1ba21c2b2c4e59048
Author: Gregory W. Chicares <address@hidden>
Commit: Gregory W. Chicares <address@hidden>

    Remove duplicated target name; improve documentation
 parent.make | 11 ++++++-----
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/parent.make b/parent.make
index df0414d..13c03cc 100644
--- a/parent.make
+++ b/parent.make
@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
 # This demonstration shows a way to source a script in a makefile,
 # and export environment variables set by that script to make's
-# environment, thus:
+# environment:
+#  - form a unique name $LMI_ENV_FILE for a file to hold the value
 #  - add a 'source_env_vars' prerequisite for the top-level makefile,
-#    with recipe "$(eval include <tmpfile-name>)"
-#  - add a phony target for 'source_env_vars' that sources the script,
+#    with recipe "$(eval include $LMI_ENV_FILE)"
+#  - add a phony 'source_env_vars' target that sources the script,
 #    then writes 'make' assignments like "export foo := bar"
 #    for each desired environment variable
 # To test:
-#   $export LMI_IN=Russia; make -f parent.make all
+#   $export LMI_IN=Russia;   make -f parent.make all
 #   $export LMI_IN=Mongolia; make -f parent.make all
 # and check what appears on stdout.
 export LMI_ENV_FILE := env_$(shell date -u +'%s_%N').eraseme
-parent.make parent.make:: source_env_vars ;
+parent.make:: source_env_vars ;
        $(eval include $(LMI_ENV_FILE))
        @echo "eval: LMI_IN in 'parent.make': $$LMI_IN"
        @echo "eval: LMI_OUT1 in 'parent.make': $$LMI_OUT1"

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