Please Help ...
Linphone on my Android Version 13 phone was working just fine, until a few days ago ...
In the past, I could make and receive calls to and from regular phone numbers on my Android phone using the Linphone app ...
I'd dial a regular phone number, then a green dot at the top right-hand side would appear and the call would continue to reach its destination ...
Now, I cannot make or receive calls to or from regular phone numbers using the Linphone app ...
Now, I dial a regular phone number and I never see a green dot at the top right-hand side of my Android phone ...
I am guessing, that I must have accidentally change something either in my Android "Settings" or in my Linphone App settings ...
My Sip Account is the same and as available as ever before ...
So now, I use the Zoiper app ...
Using the same credentials from my SIP provider, the Zoiper app works just fine, allowing me to make and receive calls on my Android phone ...
Nevertheless, I very much prefer the Linphone app ...
I need some help ...
(1) What Linphone settings must be in place to make and receive calls from regular phone numbers on my Android phone?
(2) What settings on my Android phone must be in place to make and receive calls from regular phone numbers using the Linphone App?