How can I check if the modules have been enabled? I can't be sure just by hearing audio by ear.
On 2 Mar 2016 4:24 pm, "J G Miller" <
address@hidden> wrote:
At 09:53h, on Wednesday, March 02, 2016,
in message <address@hidden>,
on the subject of "[Linphone-users] How to enable NS and AEC modules", you wrote -
> In file linphonerc_default, AGC can be enabled by setting 'agc=1'. Can the
> same be done for NS and AEC modules, by setting 'ns=1' and 'aec=1'?
Have you tried doing that, ie setting ns=1' and 'aec=1 and seeing if it
results in both moduels being enabled.
If you never try it yourself, you will never find out if it works.
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