Indeed, as the log is saying no display filter is available. This is because the linphone for raspberry packages we provide are built without video support so that it can run on raspberry PI with no x11 stack installed (that is probably the most common case).
If you wish to have video display you will need to build it yourself following the instructions on the wiki. Just make sure the x11 and xv libraries and headers are available in your rootfs before building linphone.
On 12/22/2015 08:41 PM, address@hidden wrote:
I found this error has been reported already twice ( and but unfortunately, no solution has been provided yet.
I started with the example code provided here:
I just changed the line
self.core.video_display_enabled = False
self.core.video_display_enabled = True
The code crashes with the following line after the caller tries to start a video connection.
INFO:root:Using WebM Project VP8 Decoder v1.4.0
ERROR:root:no such method on filter MSVp8Dec, fid=16389 method index=7
CRITICAL:root:No video display filter could be instantiated. Please check build-time configuration
I am running on clean raspbian installation on a Raspberry Pi 2 model B.
Any help would be appreciated.
Kind regards,
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