On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 7:03 PM, Jos De Geiter
<address@hidden> wrote:
When using the Linphone client on BlackBerry, the calls end after 20-40 seconds. Well, the call continues (rtp, rtcp and sip still go through), but the audio is gone. I get the following messages in the logs:
MN: handle=50331648 staticsHandle=0
MP: h=50331648,s=PL: +mErr
MP: h=50331648,s=PL: -mErr
MP: h=50331648,s=PL: +unld
MP: h=50331648,s=PL: -> UG
MN: unload0(50331648)=2 pauseHandle=0
MP: h=50331648,s=UG: +unlC
MN: finalize0(50331648)
MP: h=50331648,s=UG: -> UD
MP: h=50331648,s=UD: -unlC
MP: h=50331648,s=UD: -unld
AR: remove source 13
And shortly after that, RecvStream.mPlayerListener receives this event:
Got event error[5]returned ms=24620
Got event com.rim.preempted[]returned ms=24680
Any ideas?
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