I've been using the unstable versions and didn't bother mentioning this stuff hoping it would be fixed in the next stable.
linphone looks fine when first launched and when selecting show more, but once 'show more' is unselected, it remains the same size (from the resizing of the linphone window when the show more options appear) and with it remaining this size, the buttons become huge, which looks rather strange. This can be exemplified by maximizing the linphone window. I believe the buttons should remain a fixed size.
There was something else I was going to mention about the proxy server but I'll test some other things first. So I'll skip that and just reiterate a feature request I made last year. If one leaves their status as available and doesn't make it to the phone, it takes too long before it times out. I use my sip acct for my primary phone and when it times out it goes to their voicemail service that my voip provider err provides. I believe yours times out after 45 seconds. I would like to make it 30 seconds. Could this be a user adjustable option, even if just in the config file if not in the gui.
-- If you can't keep your lies straight, who's gonna believe ya?