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Re: [Linphone-developers] Phone number problem

From: Mario Takamatsu
Subject: Re: [Linphone-developers] Phone number problem
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2017 11:11:11 -0700

Hey don't add your phone number in here because everyone registered to message to Linphone receiver the message to! Now everyone have your phone number all over the word!

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 27, 2017, at 10:53, Cosmin Popescu <address@hidden> wrote:

I don't know if you did something on your side, but I've been able to regiester the +32489463555 phone. However, now I am having the same problem with my wife's number (+32489463787) this time on an Android phone.

Initially I thought is a phone problem (I was usign a Jolla phone, with SailfishOS), but now I have the same problem with an Android phone ("Problem querying the server").

So, in conclusion, if you did something on your side, could you please do it also for +32489463787. If not, do you have any ideas?

Thank you, Cosmin Popescu.

On 2017-03-27 13:30, Benjamin Reis wrote:

Hello,Did you activate your account the first time ? Did you change your phone number ? Try « Use a Linphone account » instead of create an account because your account already exist. Cheers,
REIS Benjamin address@hidden Software engineer at Belledonne Communications

Le 27 mars 2017 à 13:07, Cosmin Popescu <address@hidden> a écrit :

Dear Linphone developers,

I've created a new account on my telephone using the phone number (+32489463555), than I changed the application to use a linphone account (cosminpopescu) and now I cannot use again my telephone number. If I try to create an account it tells me that the account already exists (+32489463555) and if I try to link my existing account (cosminpopescu) with the phone number, I don't receive the SMS. I click on link my account after typing in the number and nothing happens. The "Link your account" buttons gets greyed out, but I don't receive any SMS or any error message.

Any ideas?

Thank you,
Cosmin Popescu.

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