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Re: [Linphone-developers] Phone number problem

From: Cosmin Popescu
Subject: Re: [Linphone-developers] Phone number problem
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2017 19:53:35 +0200
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.2-git

I don't know if you did something on your side, but I've been able to regiester the +32489463555 phone. However, now I am having the same problem with my wife's number (+32489463787) this time on an Android phone.

Initially I thought is a phone problem (I was usign a Jolla phone, with SailfishOS), but now I have the same problem with an Android phone ("Problem querying the server").

So, in conclusion, if you did something on your side, could you please do it also for +32489463787. If not, do you have any ideas?

Thank you, Cosmin Popescu.

On 2017-03-27 13:30, Benjamin Reis wrote:

Hello,Did you activate your account the first time ? Did you change your phone number ? Try « Use a Linphone account » instead of create an account because your account already exist. Cheers,
REIS Benjamin address@hidden Software engineer at Belledonne Communications

Le 27 mars 2017 à 13:07, Cosmin Popescu <address@hidden> a écrit :

Dear Linphone developers,

I've created a new account on my telephone using the phone number (+32489463555), than I changed the application to use a linphone account (cosminpopescu) and now I cannot use again my telephone number. If I try to create an account it tells me that the account already exists (+32489463555) and if I try to link my existing account (cosminpopescu) with the phone number, I don't receive the SMS. I click on link my account after typing in the number and nothing happens. The "Link your account" buttons gets greyed out, but I don't receive any SMS or any error message.

Any ideas?

Thank you,
Cosmin Popescu.

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