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[Linphone-developers] head-set

From: J.Witvliet
Subject: [Linphone-developers] head-set
Date: Fri, 1 May 2015 10:36:22 +0200

Hi all,


Perhaps slightly off-topic, but perhaps someone has tried it before.


Some college’s  are thinking about buying some headsets, the Plantronics Blackwire 520.

For a sip  audio/video communication, and they want to know in advance “if that works” (manager-talk)


I’m pretty sure that any usb-headset will work under Ubuntu-14.04, but I believe the device has some buttons on it.

-probably audio-control (louder/softer/mute) will probably be done on the headset itself, but the other, I’m worried about.

It is probably for accepting incoming calls.


Obviously contacting the manufacturer is pointless. With the prospect of selling “any device is fully supported”


So, Is there anybody around here that uses this blackwire-520 in combination with Linphone?




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