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[Linphone-developers] Setup linphone-android in Ubuntu 11.04

From: Jim Lu
Subject: [Linphone-developers] Setup linphone-android in Ubuntu 11.04
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 11:01:20 +0800


I would like to share my experience with setup the develop/debug environment for Linphone-Android here.
Hoping this can help some newbies.

After you finish the installation about Ubuntu 11.04
My Essential Step are :

1.Prepare you JDK(sun java)
address@hidden add-apt-repository ppa:ferramroberto/java
address@hidden apt-get update
address@hidden apt-get install sun-java6-jdk

# Note : I'll reboot after step 1 to make sure jdk and gnome are all fine ;)

2.Before Environment Installation
2.1.Install Gnome-Devel for Cairo.
address@hidden apt-get install gnome-devel 

#Note : this take times.

2.2.Preparation for GTK+ 
address@hidden mkdir /opt/gtk/
address@hidden mkdir /opt/gtk/lib
address@hidden mkdir /opt/gtk/bin
address@hidden export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/gtk/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
address@hidden export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/gtk/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
address@hidden export PATH=/opt/gtk/bin:$PATH
address@hidden vim /etc/

the conf file looks like this :


address@hidden local]# ldconfig

address@hidden local]# apt-get install gcc
address@hidden local]# apt-get install g++

3.Start Installation
3.1.Librarys from APT
3.1.1.install libosip2
address@hidden apt-get install libosip2-4
address@hidden apt-get install libosip2-dev

3.1.2.install libexosip2
address@hidden apt-get install libexosip2-4
address@hidden apt-get install libexosip2-dev

3.1.3.install ffmpeg
address@hidden apt-get install ffmpeg

3.2.Get Source and Install by yourself

3.2.1.SDL 1.2.14
address@hidden wget
address@hidden tar -zxvf SDL-1.2.14.tar.gz
address@hidden cd SDL-1.2.14
address@hidden ./configure ; make ; make install

3.2.2.GLIB 2.19.7
address@hidden wget
address@hidden tar -zxvf glib-2.19.7.tar.gz
address@hidden ./configure --prefix=/opt/gtk; make ; make install

3.2.3.ATK 1.13.2
address@hidden wget
address@hidden tar -zxvf atk-1.3.2.tar.gz
address@hidden ./configure --prefix=/opt/gtk; make ; make install

address@hidden wget
address@hidden tar -zxvf zlib-1.2.5.tar.gz
address@hidden ./configure ; make -j; make install
# Attention!! DO NOT use PREFIX Here!!

address@hidden wget
address@hidden tar -zxvf atk-1.3.2.tar.gz
address@hidden ./configure --perfix=/opt/gtk; make ; make install

3.2.6.pixman 0.20.0
address@hidden wget
address@hidden tar -zxvf pixman0.20.0.tar.gz
address@hidden ./configure --perfix=/opt/gtk; make ; make install

3.2.7.Cairo 1.10.2
# Before this , do you install gnome-devel ?
address@hidden wget
address@hidden tar -zxvf cairo-1.10.2.tar.gz
address@hidden ./configure --perfix=/opt/gtk -enable-xlib=yes; make ; make install
# Attention!! There are 2 parameter for Configuration!!

3.2.8.pango 1.20
address@hidden wget
address@hidden tar -zxvf pango-1.20.0.tar.gz
address@hidden ./configure --perfix=/opt/gtk; make ; make install

address@hidden wget
address@hidden tar -zxvf tiff-3.8.2.tar.gz
address@hidden ./configure ; make ; make install
# Attention!! DO NOT use PREFIX Here!!

3.3.The most of all , GTK+
address@hidden wget
address@hidden tar –xvf gtk+-2.16.0.tar.gz
address@hidden ./configure --prefix=/opt/gtk --without-libjpeg --without-libjasper
# Attention!! Here has 2 important parameter , don't forget them.

4.From here on, the environment are all finished. We can start our Develop tools.
4.1.Eclipse Indigo
# you can go to eclipse web site to download from the anywhere you like . this example is from Taiwan.
address@hidden wget
address@hidden tar zxvf eclipse-java-indigo-linux-gtk.tar.gz

4.2.Get Android SDK
Regarding Install Android SDK [android-sdk_r12-linux_x86.tgz(30MB)]
You can visit official web-site over here:

4.3.The most important [Android NDK]
After we got the SDK , we also need [android-ndk-r5b-linux-x86.tar.tar(43MB)].
You can get it from here:

# I placed android-sdk under my eclipse folder. It looks like this

I think the environment setup should be all finished.
The next step is to get linphone-android source code 
with git [twice] and setup your eclipse + android + 
linphone-android. And then just enjoy your linphone.
I really hope this chapter is helpful. Thanks.

Best Regards,
Jim Lu

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