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Re: [Linphone-developers] liblinphone API

From: jehan monnier
Subject: Re: [Linphone-developers] liblinphone API
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 15:59:27 +0100

Hi Matthias,

Thanks for your comments.

Linphone-gtk invokes iterate every 30s. But most of the time there is nothing to do, so cpu cost can be consider as low. Would you mind to elaborate a little bit more on  this waste of cpu/energy ?



2010/2/16 Matthias Berndt <address@hidden>


first of all i'd like to say that i think that linphone is a great application.
Of all the SIP VoIP programs i've tried linphone is the only one that actually
worked for me.

That said, i don't like the way that liblinphone interacts with the application.
One needs to call linphone_core_iterate regularly, and ltrace shows me that this
is done dozens of time per second in the GTK+ frontend. This wastes CPU time and

I think that this problem can be solved with system calls like select or poll.
One could add additional callbacks such as these to the _LinphoneVTable
void (*add_pollable_fd)(struct _LinphoneCore *lc, int fd, short events);
void (*remove_pollable_fd)(struct _LinphoneCore *lc, int fd);
where fd is a file descriptor and events is an ORed combination of POLLIN,
POLLOUT etc. This would allow liblinphone to tell the application about the file
descriptors it is interested in. The application can then use poll, select etc.
with these file descriptors and call linphone_core_iterate only when necessary.

What do you think about the idea?

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