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Re: Changing accidental size and alignment in chord symbols

From: Robin Bannister
Subject: Re: Changing accidental size and alignment in chord symbols
Date: Sat, 27 May 2023 17:14:41 +0200
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Lib Lists wrote:

Replying to myself, as it might help someone else to give me some hints.
I made some progresses following the LSR example here:

Here a MWE:

\version "2.25.5"
\chords {
  aes2 cis

Specifically, I'd like to have all the flats smaller, and the sharps
smaller and horizontally center-aligned with the root note name.

You got no hints from me because your MWE uses chordmode entry.

Now with LSR1057 you are abandoning chordmode entry.
Your chords will not be transposable.

Ten years ago I tried to squash up chordmode output horizontally.
The attached shows what I had to do using version 2.16.
I abandoned that attempt, but kept the example.
You can convert the code to 2.24, but the spacing isn't conserved.

I'm not the only one who has tried this sort of customisation.


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