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Re: Fonts and Tempo

From: Jean Abou Samra
Subject: Re: Fonts and Tempo
Date: Sun, 21 May 2023 10:40:57 +0200
User-agent: Evolution 3.48.1 (3.48.1-1.fc38)

Le samedi 20 mai 2023 à 23:24 -0400, William Rehwinkel via LilyPond user discussion a écrit :

For the third I hacked together the following, which you can tinker with to your liking

 % ----------  
 \version "2.25.4"  
 \relative c' {  
   c4 d e f | \mark \markup \smaller {\super\combine \draw-line #'(2 . 0) \arrow-head #X #LEFT ##t \rhythm {2 } = \rhythm { 4 } \super\combine \draw-line #'(-2 . 0) \arrow-head #X #RIGHT ##t} g4  
 % ----------

\mark \markup is soft-deprecated though (by which I mean that it will keep working in the foreseeable future for backwards compatibility, but is no longer recommended). Better use

\version "2.25.4"

\relative c' {
  c4 d e f |
  \tweak self-alignment-X #CENTER \textMark \markup \smaller {
    \super \combine \draw-line #'(2 . 0) \arrow-head #X #LEFT ##t
    \rhythm { 2 } = \rhythm { 4 }
    \super \combine \draw-line #'(-2 . 0) \arrow-head #X #RIGHT ##t



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