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Re: move discant symbol

From: dfro
Subject: Re: move discant symbol
Date: Tue, 9 May 2023 11:24:03 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.10.0

On 5/9/23 06:51, Gianmaria Lari wrote:
Sorry, trivial question:

How can I move the discant symbol and the accordion pull symbol to avoid them to stack on top of each other? 

\version "2.25.2"
#(use-modules (lily accreg)) %to use \discant
pull = \markup {\musicglyph "accordion.pull" }
\score {
  \fixed c'' {
    \discant "20" \tempo Vivace
    cis16-3^\pull d-2 e-3 fis-4 r4 r4 r4

Thank you!

All the accordion glyphs can be used as \markup symbols.

I just learned from Jean how to use \overlay and \translate-scaled together to control exactly where text and glyphs are placed, and make them scale with changes in fontsize. If you change the fontsize in the example below, everything keeps its spacing.

Thank you, Jean!

\version "2.24.1"

    \score {
      \fixed c'' {
        \tempo Vivace
        cis16-3^\markup \fontsize #-2 \overlay {\musicglyph "accordion.discant"
                      \translate-scaled #'(-1 . 1.5) \musicglyph ""
                      \translate-scaled #'(1 . 1.5) \musicglyph ""
                      \translate-scaled #'(3 . 0) \musicglyph "accordion.pull"} d-2 e-3 fis-4 r4 r4 r4



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