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Re: Coda/Segno sign color override not working: LiliyPond 2.24.0

From: Jean Abou Samra
Subject: Re: Coda/Segno sign color override not working: LiliyPond 2.24.0
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2023 13:56:32 +0200
User-agent: Evolution 3.46.4 (3.46.4-1.fc37)

Le dimanche 26 mars 2023 à 07:19 -0400, Mark Mathias a écrit :

On Sat, Mar 25, 2023 at 8:36 PM Jean Abou Samra <> wrote:

Le samedi 25 mars 2023 à 10:58 -0400, Mark Mathias a écrit :

Oops... Except it doesn't. The accent remains black when I run it in 2.24.0. (I'm only beginning to get a glimmer of how to use Scheme with LilyPond.)

In 2.24, articulation-type is a symbol, not a string. You need to remove the quotes around "staccato", etc. in the alist.

Thank you. Yes, that does it. 

Now for a related question: If I use a 2.22.0 version statement and run convert-ly to 2.24.0 the quotes remain, so an update requires manual removal of those quotes to run properly. Is that because the snippet is a Scheme extension of LilyPond and therefore wasn't anticipated for the conversion?

convert-ly only does text substitutions based on patterns that are likely to be old syntax that needs to be converted. It cannot understand the logic behind Scheme code. In this snippet, it can't determine that what is being looked up in the alist is an articulation-type value. (And it's not a lack of programming resources but a theoretical impossibility, cf. Therefore, it is to be expected that Scheme code can require manual conversion.

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