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Disable TextMark Collision Avoidance

From: 4w6xrf6b
Subject: Disable TextMark Collision Avoidance
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2023 02:46:30 -0500

I'm attempting to position a text mark just above the staff as I have with a 
text script, ignoring collision with the note.

\version "2.24.1"

% Is there a text mark analog to the following text script?
  \override TextScript.outside-staff-priority = ##f
  c''2^"Long Text   "

% I thought the following example might place the text mark just above the 
staff and allow collision with the second note as the text script above, but 
the text mark avoids collision. Is there another way to allow collision with 
the note?
  \override TextMark.outside-staff-priority = ##f
  \textMark "Long Text   "

Or how about a workaround?

I'd like to add a quick, "Thank You," to the contributors who read this. Thanks 
for the free software!

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