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[OLL] openLilyLib news

From: Andrew Bernard
Subject: [OLL] openLilyLib news
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2020 12:30:23 +1100

What's happening with OLL, latest news. I have made a dedicated

I think OLL is distinct enough to have it's own mailing list, and I
don't want to clog the lilypond user list with technical OLL
development posts, so I am in the business of setting up a list,
probably using GNU Mailman 3 (not the greatest software, but I have
used it a lot before).

OLL development is managed with Git. For personal and technical
reasons I have started a project on GitLab, and have copied the repos
there. I am not touching or changing the existing GitHub work, but I
am expecting that we move across to GitLab now. One reason for the
change is that I am refactoring the OLL repos into one single repo
(this is quite tricky in git if you want to keep the commit histories)
because I think this is far simpler for me to manage and far easier
for end users, to just clone one item. No criticism of the existing
structure, but I think that just grew. I'll provide the GitLab details
when I have done the refactoring, soonish.

And by popular demand, I have corrected the capitalization of openLilyLib. :-)


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