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Re: Positioning of a tiny voice

From: Kieren MacMillan
Subject: Re: Positioning of a tiny voice
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2020 16:51:39 -0500

Hi Joram,

> the following works for me:
> \new Staff <<
>  { \oneVoice \music } \\ { \voiceThree \shiftOff \upper } >>

Glad you found a solution!

> Why did you use \voices 1,2 in your example?

Bad coding… Here’s a better snippet (including your \oneVoice fix):

\version "2.19.83"

upper = \relative {
  s4 b''

music = \relative {
 \key e \minor
 \time 2/4
 b'8 <b, e g>16 c' <b, e g b>8 <b e g>16 b'

\new Staff { \voices 1,3 << { \oneVoice \music } \\ { \shiftOff \upper } >> }

> And I’d like to understand why it does not work without the \\.
> I thought that this was just a shorthand for \voiceOne and …Two

No… << >> takes whatever’s inside and combines it into a single voice.

Hope that helps!

Kieren MacMillan, composer (he/him/his)
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‣ email: address@hidden

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