\version "2.19.83" \paper { indent = 0 } butNotDots = \revert Dots.transparent musica = \relative c''{ f4 g << { \hideNotes a4.( \unHideNotes g8) } \\ { a4.( g8) } >> } musicb = \relative c''{ f4 g << { a4.( g8) } \\ { a4.( g8) } >> } musicc = \relative c''{ f4 g << { \stemDown a4.( \stemUp g8) } \\ { \hideNotes a4.( \unHideNotes g8) } >> } musicd = \relative c''{ f4 g << { \hideNotes \butNotDots a4.( \unHideNotes g8) } \\ { a4.( g8) } >> } \markup "a) initial code; hiding voiceOne" \score { \musica } \markup "b) no hiding voices" \score { \musicb } \markup "c) hiding voiceTwo and adjusting stems of voiceOne" \score { \musicc } \markup "d) hiding voiceTwo and keeping Dots" \score { \musicd }