\version "2.18.2" enterStrictTime = { \set Score.proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/20) \override Score.SpacingSpanner.uniform-stretching = ##t \override Score.SpacingSpanner.strict-note-spacing = ##t } leaveStrictTime = { \set Score.proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/4) \override Score.SpacingSpanner.uniform-stretching = ##f \override Score.SpacingSpanner.strict-note-spacing = ##f } first = \drummode { << { \voiceOne cymr8 cymr8 \tuplet3/2{hh16 hh hh} hh8 \tuplet3/2{tomh16 tomh tomh} \tuplet3/2{tomh16 tomh tomh} \tuplet3/2{tomh16 tomh tomh} tomh8 } \\ { \voiceTwo \repeat unfold 8 bd8 } >> } second = \drummode { << \voiceOne \repeat unfold 8 tomh8 \\ \voiceTwo \repeat unfold 8 bd8 >> } \score { \new DrumStaff { << \new DrumVoice { \drummode { % Note: Manual breaks used instead of bars-per-line-engraver. % Strict time was turned on in the layout block and the output looks good. % Note that there are only 3 measures. \mark "Case 1" \first \first \first \break \second \second \first \break % strict time is still on and the output looks bad. % Note that there are 4 measures and not enough room so space is being % condensed within the measure to accommodate. \mark "Case 2" \first \first \first \first \break \second \second \second \second \break % Strict time is still on and the output looks bad. \mark "Case 3" \repeat percent 4 { \first } \break \repeat percent 4 { \second } \break % Strict time is still on and the output looks good. \mark "Case 4" \repeat percent 4 {\enterStrictTime \first \leaveStrictTime} \break \repeat percent 4 {\enterStrictTime \second \leaveStrictTime} \break % In case \leaveStrict time still applies \enterStrictTime \mark "Case 5" \leaveStrictTime % Strict time is off and the output looks bad. \repeat percent 4 { \first } \break \repeat percent 4 { \second } \break \enterStrictTime \mark "Case 6" \leaveStrictTime % Strict time is off and the output looks good. \repeat percent 4 {\enterStrictTime \first \leaveStrictTime} \break \repeat percent 4 {\enterStrictTime \second \leaveStrictTime} \break \enterStrictTime } } >> } \layout { \context { \DrumStaff \remove Time_signature_engraver } \context { \DrumVoice } \context { \Score % Turn on strict time for the whole score \enterStrictTime \override NonMusicalPaperColumn.line-break-permission = ##f } } } \paper { indent = 0 left-margin = 5\mm line-width=#200 ragged-right = ##f ragged-bottom = ##t }