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Re: DrumVoice Polyphony and MIDI

From: Federico Bruni
Subject: Re: DrumVoice Polyphony and MIDI
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2019 09:01:22 +0200

Il giorno lun 26 ago 2019 alle 20:08, Stefano Antonelli <address@hidden> ha scritto:
That is not always a convenient format for working with drum parts
though.  I would like to be able to use a syntax more like the

test = \drummode {
  { \voiceOne cymc4 cymc4 cymc4 cymc4 }
  { \voiceOne s4    sn4   s4    sn4   }
  { \voiceTwo bd4   s4    bd4   s4    }

\score {
  \new DrumStaff {
      \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Drums"
      \new DrumVoice {
%       \morePolyphonicPieces
  \layout { }
  \midi {
    \tempo 4 = 84
\version "2.18.2"

The above code generates a score just fine, but the MIDI file is empty
(aside from a header).

I don't actually know much about MIDI.  I'm just using the play button
in Frescobaldi.  It's helpful when transcribing.

The MIDI file is not empty when I compile above snippet.
And I don't see why it should happen to you.
Did you check carefully? Are you working on a saved file or a draft in Frescobaldi?
Operating system?

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